Pregnant with thyroid disease- feeling worse?


New member
Hi there- 12 weeks pregnant and my endo wants to switch me from Armour to Synthroid. Has anyone switched to just T4 while pregnant, and if so, how did it go for you? Did you get all of your hypo symptoms back? I’m worried about switching, as I’ve felt terrible on just synthetic before, but want to do what’s best for my baby of course. Please help!

(I’m currently already on a split of Synthroid (62.5mcg) and Armour (1/2 grain) but my endo says it’s still not ideal for the baby in terms of getting enough T4. My TSH is always around 1, and my FT4 is 0.9) I’ve started to have hyper symptoms, so I suggested going up in Synthroid and lowering Armour more, but she’s adamant that I do the full switch, saying she was never comfortable with the split anyway. I want to do what’s right, but I’m worried I’m going to feel like garbage again and won’t be able to tell what’s what from thyroid vs pregnancy. Any clarity would be most appreciated.❤️)
@xefere I don’t know that I’ll be any help as I’ve been taking only Synthroid for years, 50mcg. My endo had my take 2 additional pills a week instead of changing my prescription. She said anytime I was pregnant I needed to do this, then after he was born I went back to my normal one pill a day. Synthroid has always worked ok for me though and I know everyone is different :/
at least you are looking into this early. My obgyn said i didn’t need to change anything but my primary doctor referred me to an endocrinologist who was like ‘ohhhh no, we need to increase your dosage asap lol’
@xefere Well if you do go full Synthroid and start to feel crappy surely they’d put you back on Armour. I’ve always been curious about Armour but do fine with Synthroid so no reason to try it. Best of luck to you whichever way you go :)
@xefere I just found out I’m pregnant with my 4th at 43. I had my thyroid removed in 2017 and had a baby in 2022 while I was on levothyroxine. My doctor adjust my levo and I didn’t feel any worse than your typical pregnancy pains and fatigue. I switched to armour after the last pregnancy like you levo wasn’t really helping anymore. I am also afraid to come off the armour and I see the endo on Monday but I have read that it’s not great for the baby so I will switch if I need to. Hoping I feel just fine!
@xefere Armour is not recommended for pregnancy. Pregnancy sucks, and having a thyroid condition makes it worse. I'm sure your endo will monitor closely. Just make sure to continue close monitoring after birth, for months