Pregnant with #3


New member
Just found out I am pregnant again this morning. It’s not unexpected, it’s wanted, and I was so overjoyed! Then I thought about going from family of 4 to 5, the money we’d need, car upgrade etc. obviously we discussed it before we “threw caution to the wind” and decided we’d be ok, but it’s a bit overwhelming that it happened so soon. We have no family in this country and need to make a plan in the event that the pregnancy sticks around and we have a new baby in May next year.

Do you guys have any tips on what we should start doing? I’m guessing save as much as possible and try living on less? Cheers
@1cor1013 Relax and enjoy. Three is awesome.

Mine are 2, 4 and 5. The first six months were a hard adjustment but I was sick and had a clingy baby which left me really tired all the time.

My biggest secret to success: I find that as my house looks like a preschool-it's happiest if I sort of run it like that. Seriously the kids are easy if they ship is tight. I know a lot of people think I'm a hard ass (I'm really not) I just nip bad behavior in the bud. Otherwise my house is a super unhappy place because three little kids can get mean if they don't have a lot of guidance.
@uniquescreenname Thanks for this. Mine will be 4 and 2 when baby is born. I work 25 hours a week while they go to daycare and have realised this year that they do better if allowed to watch one episode of something on TV then next activity rather than let TV just be on for ages. So yes to a structured sort of routine.

Your comment below about not drinking really hits home! It ruins what little sleep I get so it just doesn't feel worth it anymore. I keep telling myself it'll only be really hard while they're preschoolers. So I have to enjoy their cute toddler ways while I can!
@uniquescreenname I’m not mean, but the more consistent I am with 1 verbal warning of the boundary and then immediately enforcing it/stopping the behavior the better my kids respond and the happier we all are.

It’s strict because if I give two or three or more warnings the outrage is magnified when I actually enforce the boundary.

And giving the one warning then intervention is also less frustrating for me, and helps me stay more calm.
@suzannel 100% that last paragraph. I recently realized sending kids to their room was for parents' sake too.

I also stop before I get too frustrated now and that took me a while to learn. Being pukes? Ok no more whatever thing we were doing. I'm not gonna force you to have fun.
@katrina2017 I've got mountains of tips. I'll get back to you with them at nap time :)

Edit: here it is naptime and I'm tired lol ok here goes

I run a tight ship. Everything has a home. Every activity has a general schedule. Bad behavior gets nipped in the bud immediately (no 100 do overs) by warning->time out->room, in a three strikes you're out style. Consistency, consistency, consistency, consistency. I expect everyone to be polite. If I'm feeling too frustrated the activity stops. Everything to preschoolers boils down to traffic light sense (go, slow, stop).

Sounds like a prison eh? Well I expect myself to also be polite and also follow the rules and the result is that there's almost no yelling in my house and it's kind of amazing. Maybe you grew up in one of those unicorn houses but I sure didn't. My family actually gets along (mostly) and it's really cool.

Oh I spend a lot of time with my kids. Enjoy them. Take sincere interest in their likes and personalities even as quirky toddlers. Appreciate them. Do this and the rest (like if they are getting enough vegetables) has a way of working itself out.

Babies-I kept my babies fat and happy. They always had a full belly and were basically attached to me. It's nature. Don't fight it, you usually lose. If you keep a consistent schedule with the older ones the baby slips in somehow. I mean there are disruptions, but not like when baby 1 cried (oh no all hands on deck! vs oh the baby's definitely breathing. Lol). Oh and we are a super fit and active family-those 8 month arm fat rolls didn't stick around. Can't believe it but I miss them :/ my babies were fat.

I've watched a lot of animals raise young and had some hands in it...and honestly animal behavior + Supernanny is where I draw most of my influences from. Last but not least, I know many disagree but I credit a lot to this-I don't drink at all, ever.
@1cor1013 If we'd've overhauled for 3 to 4 the same way we had from 0-1, 1-2, we wouldn't have quite a lot more than that. You can't have 5 only children. It's too much work, money, time.