Pregnant again 5 months postpartum

@idieva With my first it took two years before I was pregnant. 2 miscarriages. I understand going through the hoping and I’m sorry you’re having to go through that. Not that you care but I found out today I’m losing my baby. So I guess “lucky me” 😞
@rubbersoul I’m 1 in almost 100 people but the exact same thing happened except when my son was 10mon old. I cried and cried cause I was already surviving with my first and It still happened while on contraceptive. No one tells you how badly your hormones are nearly impossible to balance after having a baby so all the ovulation cycles, period cycles, everything is skewed. It’s just not safe the first year to risk it. I lost my baby a week after I told people. I hated everyone telling me “oh that’s great! They’ll be immediate best friends!” What about me? What I’ll go through? What I’ll sacrifice AGAIN? There’s just so many areas of grief that’s barely talked about. I just want you to know you’re not alone and I hope you have a support system. I’m really sorry
@rubbersoul I’m planning a second embryo transfer (what up IVF moms!) when our baby is 12 months old in February, so there’s that.

Kinda still stings to hear how easily it can happen for others.
@rubbersoul I’m not on the same boat but I’m just going to hop on here and say that life will bring you what you need and it happened for a reason 💕 you are meant to be a mom of 2 under 2 because you are capable of it!!! I myself had a bit of a scare last week at 6m pp and we just started to mentally prepare ourselves just in case, but I ended up getting my monthly so I understand the panic LMAO
@rubbersoul My wife also dropped this news on me about a month ago. The real shock to me was the fact that my wife even got pregnant. Our first child was through IVF, wife had 4 eggs harvested resulting in 1 embryo - between the small number of eggs harvested and my low sperm count it seemed unlikely that it would happen unassisted.

I feel pretty good that upon hearing the news, my head didn’t explode like Homers did when Marge was pregnant with Maggie.

That said I’m still feeling pretty freaked out about it. I love my daughter so much and it’s great being a parent, but my wife and I are also struggling with constant fatigue, teething, the whining and our daughters new favourite pastime of pulling herself into a standing position, taking great pride in grabbing the most painful areas of our bodies - nipples, armpits, chest hair. Not only that, but I think she’s purposely sucking on her fingers to file her nails down on her new teeth just so she can sharpen her nails into pincers.

But on the other hand, I loved how perky my wife’s breasts got, and having the baby be small enough to sleep on my chest is also something I look forward to so it all balances out.
@rubbersoul A girl from my town had baby 1 she was maybe 2 months old and pregnant with baby 2 baby 2 was max 6 weeks she got pregnant with 3 and 4 3 and 4 were 4 months or so and number 5 is still cooking. We have a betting pool that 5 will only be like a week when she's already pregnant with 6. She had done this by choice tho. She says they want 12 like why
@seventyweeks Granted I don’t watch their videos all the time, I just randomly watch what pops up on my explore page about them but I wouldn’t say they are crushing it.

He complains about the kids, can’t wait for time away from them, they had her parents move in with them to help and every time they go on vacation it’s without their kids, who are still really young. I personally think they are a young immature couple.
@rubbersoul I’m due the 14th and our oldest will turn 14 months on the 12th. So I don’t have any advice, but I sympathize! I’m a teacher so I’ve been on break and I go back tomorrow. I’m having a harder time with that than I did going back from maternity leave (last February 😅).

Spend as much time as you can with your little one in the weeks before delivery. I was very selfish with my weekends and spending quality time with him.

Im super sappy so I wish I would’ve scheduled family pictures, with just the 3 of us, before I started really showing. We’ll have maternity pictures, but I hate that my oldest won’t have any with “just him”

I tried to rest when the baby was napping because I was so tired, but wanted to give him my full attention when he was awake. But as he got older I would do some work around the house when he was awake to get him used to playing independently.

And I know this doesn’t help you in particular, but my advice to a mom to be that I work with is get a car seat that’s compatible with a double stroller — didn’t think we’d ever need one 🤣 and ours didn’t have a double stroller option. Thankfully they just came out with a wagon that lets you attach the infant seat, because I know I’m going to need the oldest one in a seat and the baby in his carrier.

I wish you all the luck and I’ll update in a few weeks if we have some miraculous breakthroughs once number 2 is here!
@rubbersoul My Mom became pregnant less than 2 months after I was born. My sibling and I are approximately 11 months apart in age 😬
Also, I’m the second youngest of 8.
Good times lol.
@rubbersoul My kids are 16 months was challenging the first 2 months but after it got easier since they entertain each other so I prefer the close age difference.
@rubbersoul Join 2under2 there’s a lot of info there. My boys are 10 months apart (15mo & 5 mo). You need support at least 2-3 extra hands in rotation. I work from home full time and the babies are home with dad plus the dog. Dad is full time sahd. His brother and dad help shoulder the burden. Postpartum has been nothing easy. I had ppd/ppa with the 1st and I’m now going through postpartum rage. I did a lot pelvic floor exercises and thankfully the diastasis recti is very minimal so far. I gave birth at 38+1 (7lbs 4oz 20in)and 36+4(7lbs 2oz 19in) both labors over 18hrs not extremely painful just uncomfortable but I was always in pain during pregnancy (sciatica is a b***h). 1st degree tear with both. Breastfeeding was a fail with both. Supply was there but 1st had a tongue tie and couldn’t latch got it fixed then he refused the boob entirely. 2nd could latch simply was perfect but he couldn’t pull bc my nip bud was bigger than his mouth😭. The biggest stressor is when they tandem cry. It sets my nervous system off and I go into sensory overload if I don’t quiet them with a few minutes. My 1st is quiet observant reserved and very independent even as an infant his cry sounded a like mild fuss. The 2nd is NEVER quiet sleeping or not. He is a chatty very opinionated loud Velcro baby that snores like a roughneck. He also gives the best hugs and will have full conversations with you. He has an insane attention span and is hyper-aware of everything it’s scary. Before he learned to turn himself he would screech/squawk until you turned him whether it was in your arms or him on his own. Why? So he could see what everyone is doing. If you’ve ever seen baby geniuses the movie I swear my second son acts like that.

Its tough for sure but they’re best friends and the love each other for sure. I cry just about every day from just stress and being tired. I have a high stress job kinda like a 2nd responder(insurance claims) I deal with panic death disaster all day you name it. I’m also hyper sensitive and have adhd so I cry about everything. I’ve been told by veteran 2under2 moms that year 1 is the hardest and will be easier over time. Routine is paramount. I am working on one bc it’s so chaotic all the time.

Being pregnant and having a infant is not for the faint hearted. You will have to rest and you’ll sacrifice time with your 1st. Do your best not feel guilty you need to rest. I’m saying this bc I cried and felt like a failure of a mom bc I couldn’t even walk ten steps without being out of breath let alone play with my baby. I did my best to love on my son in my own way. Iron and magnesium supplements helped me so much. iron helps with exhaustion and the magnesium is great to help relax your nerves at night and morning sickness.

Doing this without real help is close to impossible. Get your village ready and make a plan of action. Good luck.
@rubbersoul My MIL got pregnant with my SIL at five months PP. she said it was actually not as hard of a transition as 0-1 was! So don’t think it will inevitably be horrible!!! She utilized sleep training my husband before the baby and formula from day one. She said she did not have the bandwidth to attempt breastfeeding with a one year old running around. You will do great! ❤️