Pregnancy coaching


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Is anyone working with a coach during pregnancy? I’m 7 weeks 5 days via ivf and the weight gain has been unreal. Between my two retrievals and me medicated FET protocol this meds have wrecked my body and I have gained so much weight without changing anything in my habits. Ok absolutely miserable and extremely worried as I see my weight increase daily. I don’t know if there’s anything I could do while on the meds or at all honestly but at this point I’m so desperate and afraid that k was thinking maybe I should hire a functional coach to help. But I don’t even know if anything can be
@paulamasu I am working with a coach for maintaining my fitness that I had pre pregnancy. She ran my macros before I was pregnant but I do not follow those right now.
If you are looking for a nutrition coach, I would talk to your doctor about recommendations. But water weight gain that early is completely normal!
@wherelovegoes So I was mainly taking about nutrition! So you’re not tracking macros? Did you transition to intuitive eating? I have been tracking for so long I almost feel unsure of how to move forward especially with this insane weight gain after IVF
@paulamasu I did transition to intuitive eating, I have my days of freaking out about weight gain, but I remind myself that I am not eating burgers and fries and ice cream everyday and this weight gain is important for the baby. But I encourage you to talk to your doctors about your concerns and how to cope. I guarantee you are not alone in gaining weight with the meds you are on, and maybe they can break it down to you in a clearer manner of WHY.
@paulamasu I’m not sure what exactly you mean by hiring a coach, but from what I understand from medical professionals is that pregnancy should never be a time to focus on weight loss. I personally wouldn’t work with any coaches or trainers that would point me in that direction.

Maybe you should consider seeing a therapist to talk about your feelings about your body changing?
@paulamasu I understand your stress about weight gain. It's not easy to lose control over how you look, and to lose your pre-pregnancy body. However, something amazing just happened. Your IVF was successful and you're growing a new human inside of your body. Try to focus on living healthy, eating as healthy as possible (nausea and food aversions permitting) and working out when you have the energy. These healthy habits will help you have a healthy pregnancy and they'll help you recover afterwards. This is a season. It will pass. You can lose the weight later on.

But also: Early weight gain doesn't say anything about how much you'll gain throughout pregnancy. Maybe you gain weight right now but not a whole lot later. There's a big chance your current weight gain is all water weight and bloating. Try to live healthy, but please don't stress it.
@paulamasu I did for 30 weeks for my first pregnancy with strongeru macro coaching. They put you with a dietician and it was effective for me! Second pregnancy I did not do it and i was not as healthy or fit but I made a perfect baby. It’s your choice!