Postpartum workouts


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[ 24 yo/f ] I am really struggling accepting my body. I have been in a deep depression about my body and just stopped caring or really putting in effort to fix it because I knew it wouldn’t be immediate results. I haven’t been eating right or taking care of my body like I should. I’m asking for advice on some workouts that y’all did to help tighten loose saggy skin some meals and drinks that I could drink. Even some motivation would help!! If there are home workouts I could do would be very helpful. I have 2 kids back to back. I’m currently 12 months postpartum as of this month. Any advice, suggestions, or motivation I would greatly appreciate it!
@jaychristian We all go through this and it can be rough. You’re not alone in feeling this way. The first thing I would suggest is changing your eating habits. Eating like shit will make you feel like shit both mentally and physically. Right now decide to make healthy choices with each meal. Walking outside is known to help kick depression, start there. Then incorporate some stretching. Look up stretches for your whole body then start with some strength training, maybe squats, play around with some light weights. Take your time and ease into activity but definitely change your diet.
Add in protein as much as you can: eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, protein shakes. Protein is essential for every part of your body including your brain.
@slandley Thank you!! I greatly appreciate it. As an EMT it’s hard my schedule is not ideal and packing healthy snacks versus hospital giving us free junk food lol Ik. I’m gonna try. I want to change and learn to love my body. I haven’t been to the gym since after my first baby and i loved it but then fell off real quick. I’m hoping my to keep these healthy habits. I just need to find the time to get in the gym or at least workouts in
@jaychristian Hey there - so sorry you're in this place. I know the feeling well and was pretty deeply depressed after my first. I also had PPA/PPD which really played into that as well. If it's available to you, therapy was really helpful in addressing the PPA/PPD, but also some of the body image stuff. I will say it helped to work toward body neutrality first - not pressuring myself to love my "new" body but just to be "ok-ish" with it and recognize what it had been through (and you had two back to back. That is A LOT). That helped motivation to work out because the focus shifted from "I want to look better and I'm not changing" to "my body is what it is, but a walk (or weights or HIIT) would still feel good and is still good for me."

I've touted her here before but Nourish Move Love on youtube is great -she has lots of programs to follow (I believe a postpartum specific one!) and many videos as short as 20 minutes. Those 20 minute ones felt more doable to me and helped me start a routine and build muscle again.

Finally - be kind to yourself and start small. It can feel really frustrating but when I told myself to work out just two days a week, it wasn't long before that felt good and then three days felt really doable. And then getting a nice long walk on the fourth day felt possible. Too many times I'd plan 3-4 workouts and a step goal and I'd fail three days in and quit. Starting small really was key to moving toward consistency for me (even though my brain really wanted the big goal and to do ALL things right now!).

You've got this!
@jaychristian While I’m not PP yet, I did go through a feeling of helplessness with my body after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease back in 2021/2022. I started with making sure I exercised at least 4x week which included at least 20 min of cardio. That could be walking, biking, or even a cardio circuit at home. For nutrition, I tried not to think about cutting anything out, but instead focused on meeting protein and fiber goals daily. I had a tumultuous relationship with food and making sure I had enough of something (especially the fiber) really helped replace some of the less favorable snacks and it eventually lead to making better eating choices overall. I still indulge daily, just less and it feels better :)
@jaychristian It took me 5 years to get back my “ideal body” after 2 pregnancies. I’m pregnant again now, but hoping to get back in shape a little quicker this time. I found nutrition to be the most important aspect, eating balanced and nutritious meals allowed me to fuel proper workouts while still keeping up with my kids
@jaychristian When I try to get motivated I write it down. I got a dry erase calendar for the fridge and I write down snack and meal ideas for when I blank out and can’t think of anything. I also write down workouts for the week. Being visual helps me feel more organized!
@jaychristian I had a hard time with loose skin, it persisted I think until I was done nursing, maybe more (so 2+ years). And still hasn't fully gone away. You are not alone
@jaychristian I can relate to this, especially after my first I did quite well in the first few months postpartum in terms of eating healthy & easing back into workouts but I fell into a bad place mentally about 6 months postpartum from chronic sleep deprivation, trying balance work/parent/wife life & turned to food for comfort & put on an additional 20lbs & lost all motivation for exercising & working out. Now I'm pregnant with my 2nd & really trying to focus on building those habits up again, especially my eating habits (im great with breakfast, lunch in terms of healthy meals..just need to reduce snacks i.e chocolate), incorporating more home workouts into my week (I like "get fit with rick" & other youtube walking workouts) & getting out & about with my daughter. It's not easy but I suggest you do one small positive step at a time, in the long run it definitely makes a difference