Postpartum running

@dudgurqkqh With my first, I ran til I was 35 weeks pregnant and jumped back in at 6w pp. I will tell you I am not doing that this time around. I seriously fucked up my pelvic floor and didn't run pain free for a full YEAR pp. And I was an avid runner for years pre-pregnancy.

I've already given up running at 27 weeks with #2 due to hip/pelvic pain. I'll be strength training hopefully from 6 weeks pp, maybe spin and lap swim too. I'm planning a tentative return to running *hopefully* at 12 weeks, but we'll see. If I have any pain, I'll postpone. But even as an experienced runner, I'll probably just use couch to 5k program at first.
@dudgurqkqh Start very slowly. All the advice pointing towards 12 weeks or later is good. Start with walks with the stroller or babywearing and do your core and pelvic floor rehab until you’re stable on one leg and can tolerate impacted I personally liked having both weightlifting and running even if only once a week when life was crazy because I saw more progress in each at different times. Basically my PT exercises slowly scaled up until they were weightlifting, and my walks scaled up until they were runs. No real agenda for the first 9 months, just doing what felt good, and at that point I was able to get a little more aggressive with goal setting without risking injury because I was sufficiently rehabbed to a stable spot
@dudgurqkqh Here’s what I did: pelvic floor PT starting at 6wpp. Lots of breathing exercises to engage my core and pelvic floor. Gradually increased to running by doing squats, lunges, then jump squats, jumping on one foot, then 1 min run, 1 min walk at 12wpp. Gradually increased the time I ran until I could run a mile. I started indoor cycling at 6wpp to get general fitness back. My PT put it to me this way: “you need to get back in shape in order to run, not run to get back in shape.” And it was invaluable. My baby is 6 months old and I run daily
@dudgurqkqh I was running 7 miles up until I got pregnant. Throughout pregnancy I cycle or walk 30 minutes daily. I don’t plan on returning until closer to 4-6 months postpartum and after I’ve been evaluated by a pelvic floor therapist. I’ve heard too many horror stories of women rushing back into running and causing irreversible damage or never running again. As far as my plan, I intend to do weightlifting - exercises targeted for pelvic floor and abs and starting with walk/jog combos.