Postpartum hemorrhoids??


New member
I delivered my 3rd baby two weeks ago. This is my first experience with hemorrhoids. Is it normal to feel like I’m shitting razor blades?? The extra strength Preparation H is only for external use but I need help on the inside. How do I even treat this? Can I do an enema? I feel like I need an enema. Please help
@gail2292 I had this or anal fissures, maybe that’s what you’ve got going on if it feels really internally. I did a lot of sitz baths whenever I could because they provided some relief. Sending healing vibes mama!
@jcd1284 I wrote this to OP but I’m going to share with you too because I describes it this way as well and maybe this can help you!

I had that and thought it was a hemorrhoid too. I spent the first month after birth crying at every bowel movement and would be in pain for hours afterward. I went to see a colorectal surgeon and turns out it was an anal fissure! They gave me a topical for it and I actually just had my checkup today and it’s completely gone now! It has been such a relief because the pain was horrible.