Post on r/women surprised me

@backfrmsliding33 The “child-free for life” community can be that way on social media — what are they calling themselves these days? “Dinks?” “Dirks?”

They preach all day and night about how terrible it is to be judged by people for choosing not to have kids, then make obnoxious, insecure-sounding reels like “10 reasons to never have kids.” COOL! A bit of the pot calling the kettle black, eh?

I just think that we all should mind our own business. Idgaf who is or who isn’t doing what with their life and I also think it’s very un-classy to brag about your life choices to folks who don’t or may not agree. Stop circle jerking, people!
@fhl2 DINKS doesn't imply any sort of feeling one way or another about kids. My husband and I were DINKS until we got pregnant (technically, we still are until I give birth). It's definitely not an internet-way to refer to childfree folks or anything.
@backfrmsliding33 I was terrified to be pregnant, and in all honesty I absolutely HATE being pregnant with a passion. My body doesn't take pregnancy very well, and this time around I've developed an arrhythmia. That said, I want children so I'm on my 7th pregnancy with what will hopefully become my 3rd take home baby. I am very excited for my husband's vasectomy date though, it can't come soon enough 😂
@backfrmsliding33 I think fearing the unknown can be scary. When you haven’t personally experienced pregnancy or labor, it can seem a terrifying prospect. Adding to that when you’re intentionally only consuming information (TikTok videos) that backs up your assumption-no wonder your fear only multiplies. Having a positive experience is a complete acceptable thing to add to the conversation. But, if that’s clearly not what they want to hear, they will not.
@backfrmsliding33 I’m not afraid of pregnancy but I’m terrified of childbirth. However, it doesn’t bother me one bit how another woman views it, whether they are terrified, love it, or are ambivalent towards it. I’m not someone who believes that everyone needs to subscribe to my idea of living life or viewing things and I’m not sure why other people seem to operate that way. There’s always these factions where everyone is so judgmental of someone who chooses or feels something different from them.

Being terrified of pregnancy, childbirth, and childrearing is completely valid. Being excited about it is also valid. They also aren’t mutually exclusive.
@backfrmsliding33 I was terrified of getting pregnant until I met my husband. I think it was more the fear of having a kid with someone who would be a shitty dad (shout out to all my exes). Once I found out, I was so excited, and nervous, but excited! There are parts of it I obviously didn't enjoy, like puking and fatigue and heartburn, but other than that, I loved it. The day she came out, I told my husband I'd absolutely do it again when we're ready.