Post on r/women surprised me

Someone posted about being scared about pregnancy. They are not pregnant, but the idea is very intimidating to them (I totally get it)

She was explaining how she has watched a bunch of videos on TikTok about reasons not to get pregnant, read birth horror stories, and heard some not so great stories from relatives.

Women have the right to choose what to do and how to live in their body. But for some reason I was called a masochist by commenting that I actually have been enjoying pregnancy, and I didn’t feel the same respect for the right to choose 😅

I’m not surprised that most women in the post are scared of pregnancy. It’s a super intimating, overwhelming, scary thing. But I was surprised at the extent of disgust and reprimand
@tearrow This is the comment. The sub is probably teeming with literal children and femcels who’s opinions shouldn’t matter on the topic. sorry, but I am of the belief that if you’re under 18, your opinions on most things shouldn’t be accounted for because kids/teenagers can be overwhelmingly stupid. I was one once, and I was stupid. I certainly don’t have the same values I did when I was a teenager, and I’m thankful for that.
@jboyjeep The opinions of children should be taken in context but nothing magic happens when you turn 18, and the opinions of people younger than that matter too. I teach young people and they can be idiots but also very impressive.
@kawazaki123 I strongly disagree, taking in the opinions of children is why we have the perception theres so many loons on the internet. They say the most vile, unhinged shit and it only gets worse as time goes on.
@jboyjeep I don’t think any anonymous opinions (I see the irony here) should be taken too seriously, but real children in the world deserve to be heard. I’ve been doing a “write your reps about anything you care about” project for years; the majority of kids write about gun violence, the environment, and animal welfare. I find children in person to be MOSTLY wonderful and empathetic and more thoughtful than many grown adults who throw public tantrums. SOMETIMES they are annoying and wildly illogical and mildly sociopathic. I find kids generally smarter than most adults around them expect, and I’m around kids a lot.
@kawazaki123 That’s fair. I think it’s a safe rule of thumb to just not listen to people on the internet generally, truly anyone can say anything here. I usually just assume they’re children because most sane adults wouldn’t act like some of the total eggs on here.
@jboyjeep Your opinion is yours but personally I come across a lot more miserable older people stuck in their ways than angsty teenagers. Kids can be how you described but I think younger people in general now are a lot more opening and understanding.
@jboyjeep At least you’d hope so! I am also way more patient with kids — when they say something awful I think “your frontal lobe is a squishy mess and it is my job to teach you to be better” but when it’s an adult I think “WTF is wrong with you bro.”
@backfrmsliding33 I was scared of being pregnant until I actually got pregnant. I have spent a large chunk of my 20s dreading and fearing pregnancy, looking back, I just think it was anxiety overtaking me and nothing else.

If your spouse is loving and supportive, you won't think much in this regards. By no means pregnancy is fair or easy, it's very exhausting and full of risks.

But I found out I was fearing the idea of being pregnant, the actual being pregnant is very different. I also feared ectopic pregnancy even sometimes after having sex. But now it's all fine.
@katrina2017 I’m right there with you. When I found out I was pregnant, I cried for days because I was afraid of the change. It took me weeks to calm myself down to the idea of keeping it.

I really had to sit down and study what’s actually going on and what’s going to happen to calm myself down. It’s totally the fear of the unknown that grips a lot of women/people
@backfrmsliding33 Being disgusted can be a natural response to fear I guess, but yeah, it also annoys me when people take it to this level and shame women who don’t agree. I was scared of being pregnant but I also wanted to do it. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to, either. The most anti-misogynist thing you can do is face your fear and do whatever the fuck you want. Women’s bodies are like, super metal🤘🖤
@ahje Yea sure! What I meant is that I felt that some comments in the post were one-sided when it came to how women should react to pregnancy. If someone (like me) likes it, then there was little respect for that comment
@backfrmsliding33 Ohhh ok. The comment’s phrasing made it sound like you don’t believe women have the right to choose what to do with their pregnancy/body. Glad you cleared that up - I changed my downvote to an upvote!
@jassy I thought the same thing! Came to see if anyone asked for clarification lol.

I think this situation depends on how you say things. For example, if two women are talking about how depressed and horrible foe their health pregnancy has been, how much it's hurt them, etc. And you come in and say "Oh it's a walk in the park for me! I love being pregnant it's such a blessing! Everyone should be grateful we can experience such a beautiful thing." It's like.... Read the room dude.

So I can understand backlash depending on how the conversation went exactly. But this was online, so everyone's offended no matter what and everyone's canceled.
@boynorth The person OP replied to isn’t actually pregnant so I doubt that’s how it went though if it did i’d understand the backlash as well. My assumption was that OP said they enjoyed it to tell others despite all the horror storys you hear it’s not always terrible.
@backfrmsliding33 ah gotcha. omg, what a bizarre, strange reaction to your comment. people on reddit can be such douchebags and it’s even worse coming from women (a man’s opinion is irrelevant to this, lol). its not like you didn’t acknowledge how it could be scary to some. so dumb!
@backfrmsliding33 Oh gosh!! I read that wrong! I read it as people called you a masochist because you wrote that you liked being pregnant and that you didn't respect people having the right to choose. Which I was quite taken aback about but not surprised that people called you out for it.