Please share your opinions: 53M and 36F pregnant - risks because of age? (Anxiety/guilt)

@ramw My dad was 50+ when my sibling and I were born. Neither of us has issues due to his age. Even then (80s), only one doctor was concerned. You can do tests to check for issues rather than aborting now, if you want to keep the pregnancy.
@prayervine Thanks for this! Stories like yours are reassuring. We are happy about it and do want it, I’m just a bit worried. I’ll definitely get all the screening available.
@ramw I know so many people with older parents. It seems, anecdotally, that the moms age matters more than the dad (but ask your doctor, that’s only based off of my sample size of friends/acquaintances with similar older parents). My parents had close to a 20 year age gap, with my mom being close to your age when I was born. My sibling is a few years younger.
Thanks very much for sharing your story, that makes me feel better. Very glad to hear you’ve got a happy, healthy family - well done!

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