Please explain test strips to me like I’m 5!

@jackie Have sex the day of your positive test and the day after to keep it simple! Have fairly regular sex every 2-3 days otherwise and you should hit the window at least twice

If you want to get deeper into it you can use fertility monitors like inito that test for more than just the LH hormone so you can time the full window and/or you can add temping to let you know when you have ovulated after a strip test.

All are great options and all have a little different strategy.
@jackie Lh strips: goes 2 strong and equal red lines just before the egg is released. Time to have sex. One weak line and a super red one: ovulation is not around the corner yet.

HCG strips: Two lines means pregnant. One line means not pregnant .
@jackie They never worked for me. Always blank and faint line, never matched the control line. Apparently I get really heavy EWCM streaked with blood, within a week after my period ends and I’ve gone a few days without any spotting or bleeding. I think I ovulate early at sneaky time, much earlier than my charting app estimates. My periods used to be irregular but they are normal now. They last for about 5 days, and I noticed the gelatinous spotty EWCM when I wiped after going potty, 6 days after the last day of my period. I did have a lot of baby making sex at that time but was also traveling and exhausted. I took ovulation test strip with me on the vacation and even during the EWCM in the ladies room at the airport, the line was faint and didn’t match the control line. I don’t test every day though, so am probably missing when to actually see the LH spike, but when I cramp and get CM, I always test for a few days and never seen it out right show a good line. I’m unlucky!
@idk332 I learned you can have a period without ovulating.I had no idea this was even a thing until a doctor asked me to start testing for ovulation. This was happening to me and turns out it was an inflamed thyroid. Got that fixed and started ovulating shortly after. Not saying you aren't ovulating, just something to consider if the tests really aren't picking anything up.
@idk332 You could try getting the bulk test strips for cheap and testing two times per day, to try and determine when/if ovulation is occurring! I had success with the easy@home brand.