Pampers Childbirth Classes


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@bibel Been lurking! We're excited to start our prefolds & covers journey. We had considered pockets... But decided against it for now since we aren't sure how often we'll need to use our apartment's coin laundry.
@raycrossley52 You should look into the flat-handwashing challenge coming up (I think it's on Instagram?) to possibly get some tips for laundering without a machine. Our washer died at the beginning of the year, and I can tell you hand washing pocket diapers and inserts is no joke. I only have a couple prefolds, but those were so much easier to hand wash than my inserts.
@raycrossley52 I sat and watched all of these videos over the course of a day. They were a really helpful start! I’m still happy we went ahead and took childbirth and newborn care classes through our hospital because they covered more of the nitty gritty stuff. I’d recommend these for sure, though!
@popsthebuilder That's what we're hoping to do! I'm 35 weeks and well... I waited a bit too long to sign us up for classes! Our hospital is only handing out the book they use due to COVID. We're hoping to look into other resources as well but this is a start.
@raycrossley52 I want to know: does your doctor or care provider have classes like this for first time mothers?
I’m currently with a birthing center and they are giving us these courses, wanted to know if those that don’t give birth at a birthing center also get to have courses too? Genuinely curious.
@lawolfe Typically the hospital you plan to give birth at will offer them for free. Sometimes you don't even have to be delivering at that hospital for them to let you in. Ours even offered infant/child CPR classes free of charge (which I'm very glad we took btw because it saved my son's life).
@abbeyhouse We meet with our pediatrician in the next week or so and plan on asking them for their recommended classes! I'm embarrassed to say I keep forgetting to call the hospital during the day to see what their other recommendations are.
@raycrossley52 We took newborn class, birth class, and the CPR class. That was all, but worth it. I will say though, the birth classes did not prepare me for birth lol. I've had two kids and am preggo with our 3rd and I got the most out of CPR. Newborn was great and all but I've watched babies for family, birthing classes didn't really get into the craziness of the moment (and the instructor didn't like that I asked questions about the narcotics they use during birth), but CPR was a must
@lawolfe The hospital where I'm delivering does have classes, but due to the pandemic they are not being held, so they're only offering the book they usually teach from. The other hospital a friend used offered a 6-week virtual course. It really depends on what they choose to offer.

Since our hospital wasn't offering the classes, my OB simply told me to pick an online course since a lot of them teach similar material. At 35 weeks I waited a bit too long for a lot of the virtual classes that meet up over the course of 4 weeks or more.