On a first-name basis with 2-yo

@sharkdive1 My 11 month old calls both me and my husband “dada” he also gets excited when he sees my boobs (he’s breastfed) and goes “dada!!!” When I pull them out 🤣
@perplexed812 I had a feeling his might have been mama as it was a sound he babbled from an early age - I can't wait to see my husband's face when he does finally call him dada. But for now he's Mama 2
@stop_cern_idea That’s a good thing. My mother always believed in making sure we knew her first and last name along with dads and grandparents names. It was in case we ever got lost or kidnapped. If the police ask what’s your mom’s name and the kid says “it’s mommy” well that’s no help. Better to know your first name and maybe even teach them their last name and a phone number to memorize. My mom was old school she made me watch forensics files at like 6yrs old. Haha she did not sugarcoat stranger danger to me.
@staxx This is exactly why we started teaching our daughter our names at 2.5. She still calls us mommy and daddy, but if you ask "what's mommy's/daddy's name?" she'll tell you the right answer.
I'm still trying to figure out how to get my phone number in a memorable format for her, but that's definitely next.
@staxx Same here! Both our 2 and 4 yr olds know our full names and my 4yr old knows our address (2yr old at least knows the town and sometimes the street). Working on phone numbers next!
@stop_cern_idea My oldest does this occasionally but not consistently and it’s hilarious. It’s also often accompanied with the pet names we call each other, so “name-babe” and “name-baby”. She’ll especially use my partners first name if she’s upset and wants his attention right this second which is hysterical lol this little person running through the house yelling “daddy come back FIRST NAME COME BACK HERE NOW”
@stop_cern_idea We are NOT on a first name basis because my toddler purposely mispronounces my first name and then laughs about it. (In his defense, my name rhymes with one of the words that commonly appears on this sub in the "funny toddler mispronunciation" posts).

He also claims his last name is "Doo Doo" so I figure I got off easy.
@xpertboy Ours pronounces part of our last name as ‘nude’. He doesn’t know it means naked, but we get some strange looks when he tells people his full name.