OH mY gOd yOu'Re sO bIG!

@knish When I was 6 weeks (currently pregnant with my first) I was super bloated and my grandma was like omg your belly looks so big and beautiful. I definitely (unfortunately) snapped.

Mind you I’m just starting to form a little bit of a bump so hearing that at 6 weeks made me feel AWFUL. Needless to say I’ll also never wear that dress again
@knish Yep. Every time my mom and her husband see me now they comment on how giant I am and how I now walk funny at 35 weeks. Yes. I was like a penguin, I know, but I’ve made a comfy home for our little girl so stfu already! Jerks!
@knish I hear you! 15w5 here... at 12w people started telling me I look 5 months and someone asked me if I was having twins. When I said no, they asked me how I could be sure.

Face palm. Honestly.

All I care about is baby being healthy and that I'm gaining weight at a rate my doctor is happy with. So far I've gained 8kg and baby is measuring 77%ile. So I am happy!
@knish I’m 17 weeks, also with my second, and didn’t lose a pound after my first. All I ever hear is how huge I am. It’s honestly so hurtful and already so old.
@billross This is where I am at, I'm sorry you're going through it too. I think the bit I hate the most is people tell me I'm huge as if it's a compliment while I'm pregnant and then my size is just side eyes / judged with a loud silence after the baby is born. I'm big but I'm healthy, and it's no one else's business.
@knish Literally just had this happen to me. First the older lady commented on how big I was, asked my due date, asked if I was having twins. THEN proceeded to tell me her traumatic birth story because she was so big with her pregnancy.
I barely said a few words and then she walked away wishing me luck. What a freak!! I am still shocked and next time I will make sure to tell the person to stfu 🤬
@jmartian143 Sorry this happened to you. One thing to remember is people are always much faster to tell you horror stories than good ones. So long as your doctors / midwives are happy with your baby's growth there's really no concerns. But yeah fuck her!
@knish Thanks I’m still trying to not be mad about that encounter. I wish I had spoken up for myself. I know I’m not big and I know my baby is healthy and in the 55th percentile. I really do feel like people project onto me a lot because I’m sensitive and a new mother who looks young even though I’m 30. I’m just going to keep on doing my thing and ignoring these freaks!
@knish The worst for me is the “Oh I knew you were pregnant, I could see it!” And I’m like no you didn’t, I didn’t even know. I gain weight all the time in my middle and that doesn’t mean I am pregnant. Do you know how many times I’ve had strangers ask me when I am due throughout my life? Just the fun of having pcos!
@knish I had some one tell me yesterday that “the pregnancy hormones are making me look big” and later that day the same person said “you and baby eat a lot, if you continue we are going to have to get you a bariatric bed”.

It’s so annoying. I think i need to start being super mean because this is getting crazy.
I know im getting big … I’m pregnant. Ugh
People suck