OH mY gOd yOu'Re sO bIG!

@knish When I was 6 weeks (currently pregnant with my first) I was super bloated and my grandma was like omg your belly looks so big and beautiful. I definitely (unfortunately) snapped.

Mind you I’m just starting to form a little bit of a bump so hearing that at 6 weeks made me feel AWFUL. Needless to say I’ll also never wear that dress again
@knish Yep. Every time my mom and her husband see me now they comment on how giant I am and how I now walk funny at 35 weeks. Yes. I was like a penguin, I know, but I’ve made a comfy home for our little girl so stfu already! Jerks!
@knish I hear you! 15w5 here... at 12w people started telling me I look 5 months and someone asked me if I was having twins. When I said no, they asked me how I could be sure.

Face palm. Honestly.

All I care about is baby being healthy and that I'm gaining weight at a rate my doctor is happy with. So far I've gained 8kg and baby is measuring 77%ile. So I am happy!

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