OBGYN won’t give me bc refill


New member
I’m about to enter my placebo week on my last pack and I called my OBGYN to ask for a refill and they said they can’t give me anymore until I have my annual exam … I told them that I’m away at college and won’t be able to go until I get back home (literally less than a month) and I asked if I could have one more pack to hold me up and they said no :/. I contacted my schools student health services and they might be able to give me a new prescription. If I can’t get it, will my body get messed up from not being on the pill for a month and then going on it again? I’m very irritated about this, I have a boyfriend too so I’m clearly on this for a reason.
@shadimubarak this happened to me too! i asked to speak directly to my doctor, she said the same, then i said okay then i’ll look into changing my primary care provider thanks! and they were all “nooo okay well don’t do all that come in in june”
@lisametoo It’s very good that it exists but it’s definitely not a one size fits all. It only has a 3 hour window for the pill to be taken, and as a mini pill it has high rates of causing irregular bleeding and can cause or worsen symptoms like acne. You probably shouldn’t switch to it if you already have a method with minimal side effects and it’s not necessary
@garydavid great to know appreciate you filling in my knowledge gaps, as I said I don’t know much about it. agree that getting it from her student health clinic is probably best option & was just offering more of an interim emergency solution!
@garydavid The o pill is just like any other progesterone only pill, I switched to jencyla from a combo pill and it gave me no problems! Using the o pill for a month is not a bad option. It’s not one size fits all just like any other option.
@jjnamro67 I just go through Pandia. You pay $25 fill out a form, the doctor looks at it and prescribes you bc based on the info you gave them. You can ask to suspend your cycle, for the ring, patch, etc. it’s super easy and it’s good for a year and then you just renew it by paying the $25 again
@jjnamro67 I use the website Nurx. I pay $45 for 3 month supply of the pill and shipment was quick. The process was easy and they online support is responsive
@shadimubarak You can use an online resource like one comment said, or get it from your school, or planned Parenthood. It shouldn't hurt you if you do go off it for a bit. I once took a 10 month break from the pill (back when I was on it) to see how it affected my weight.
@shadimubarak You can get a bc prescription through the planned parenthood direct app. You just have to do a short video call with a provider and then they will prescribe it to you at your local pharmacy. It only costs $25. From downloading the app to getting my prescription only took a couple days for me.
@shadimubarak I would look into Nurx. I can only speak about Nurx because it's all I have used but they were super easy! A lot of gyno offices will squeeze in appointments when it comes to this. I have definitely been in this situation, and my gyno squeezed me in real quick because this issue is mainly an insurance issue. If your gyno left you out to dry, maybe look into others. But Nurx will definitely be easy. I have insurance, so it was really inexpensive. I am not sure what the process is without insurance.