@dman12323 Truancy is real. We send between 5-10 families every two weeks to truancy court. (I am a teacher.) On the other hand, we accept parent excuses to a point (10 day max) and then we do require dr notes.
@dman12323 this is absurd! I'm not sure if our school will be worse when my kid is older (he's in the Young 5s program) I kept him home 4 days out of 5 the week of valentine's because he had a horrible cough that was keeping him up all night, unrelenting during the day, he was miserable. I just called the office and left a message, and sent his teacher an email. haven't heard shit about it or about needing a dr. note.

I'm sorry you have to endure such stupidity! and I hope your kiddos are on the mend
@dman12323 I mean, just forge it. I worked at a doctor's office and typed those notes up all the time. I wrote at the bottom "if you have any questions please contact us." No one ever did ever. EVER.
@dman12323 I'm having the same problems with my kids. One was sent home from school with a fever, the nurse said she can't go back to school unless she's 24 hours with out a fever. But then they call me pestering me about why she isn't at school when they're the ones that say she has to be fever free for 24 hours!
@dman12323 My daughter (6) has been unintentionally isolated from other kids (I don't have any friends with kids in this state) until starting kindergarten this year and she has been SICK. I swear she catches something every other week.

So the first semester she missed 9 days, some had a doctor's note, some didn't. I got a note home saying DFS would be called if she missed any more days that semester. But they send her home if they even suspect her of being even remotely ill. Fuck this system.
@dman12323 I'm just waiting for the truancy letter for my 6yo. He's got a chronic illness (severe Crohn's Disease), is immunocompromised as a result, and has a central line. He misses a lot of school - one day every month to get medication/fluids/iron infusions, anywhere from 1-3 partial days a month for appointments, repeated hospital stays including mandatory 24hr inpatient obs for any fever due to the central line, and he gets typical cold/flulike illnesses constantly. Then there's the whole Crohn's issue of 10+ bouts of diarrhea a day sometimes and there are days he just can't get off the toilet.

I get notes for all his appointments & hospital stays, he has a "blanket note" on file with the district from his doctor excusing absences related to toileting & immunosuppression, and his IEP details everything. His specific school & the district itself are on board and incredibly supportive, but the principal warned me at the start of the year that the state will probably start sending truancy letters at some point.

I wish I could homeschool him but he's also autistic & at this point I couldn't give him the education & support he needs. -sigh-
@dman12323 I have a 5 year old in transitional kindergarten, meaning he was too young for the regular age cutoff but still turned 5 before December. Children under 6 are not legally required to be enrolled in public school.
So tell me why I’m getting a truancy letter after 3 absences this year for a child not legally required to be in school.

I’m about to move to another state, and I’m hoping it’s not MORE ridiculous.
@dman12323 When I was in HS they enacted a radical new truancy policy that you had to go to court if you had more than ten class absences (classes, not days! We had nine periods per day, so basically any more than one day) WITH OR WITHOUT doctor's notes. The entire school was just a freaking hospice. And so many perfectly good kids were juvie just for getting sick. One kid died of the flu that year. He went to school every day and wasn't allowed to have food or water in class (none of us were) and he just up and died. He probably had some health problems, but still.

I mean, it goes without saying, but I went to school at Guantanamo Bay 😂 But seriously, though, our "stay home if you're sick (and then go to hell)" culture is two-faced AF.