@dman12323 Are you in Louisiana, by any chance? I’ve lived in a lot of places, but Southern Louisiana has the most fucked up truancy policies I’ve ever encountered. My oldest was sent home earlier this year because he vomited. He wasn’t sick. I mean, I have no issue with them sending him home, but both his teacher and I knew what caused it: he has a very weak stomach and doesn’t do well with heat. He went straight from gym to lunch (where he had whole milk for his drink) to recess in the August LA heat. Heavy drink plus heat and shake vigorously? You’ve got a recipe for digestive pyrotechnics with that child. By school rules he was sent home (fine) and couldn’t return the next day (sigh, fine), but the absence wouldn’t be excused unless I took him to the doctor. Um, not fine. I’m not paying a copay, taking time off work, and waiting forever at the pediatricians office for them to say, “yeah, he’s not sick.” How could it not be excused when they’re the ones who sent him home and didn’t let him return the next day? Bullshit policies.
@dman12323 Mother said they were sick. Dont like that excuse? Tough titties. I'm the mom. I make the rules. (Im not going to get along well with the school system when my daughter is in)
@dman12323 I have fought with my daughter's school so hard over absences.

Daughter had to be on chemo for a year when she was in (the second half of) kindergarten - (1st half of) 1st grade.

In kindergarten, she missed 50 days of school because of chemo. Her Dr gave us an open excuse so that we wouldn't need one for every day she missed. All was dandy. But now, 3 years later, we fight with them every year over missing school. We live in a rural area, the hospital that treated her is 2.5 hours away, so appointments take the whole day. She sees 5 specialists, one every month in a 5 month cycle.

I'm on good terms with her principle, I get a doctor's note for every appt. and once we reach the limit (8 days before needing a Dr note every time), he works with us because he knows the situation and sees what kind of student she is despite her absences (always straight A's, even on chemo).

The vice principle tried to be a jackass and marked her down as having 3 unexcused absences after we passed 8 days (all for appts, all had Dr notes) because she was sick twice and then had lice the 3rd day. I emailed him to try to clear things up and he basically told me that he was reporting us to the magistrate for truancy and to be prepared for a court summons. What he failed to notice was that I had CC'd the principle in the email. Within an hour I had a phone call from the principle apologizing for the vice, and told us that we were not being reported, that he was aware of our situation and that he would be marking those 3 unexcused as excused.

Give a weak man a position of power and it'll go to his head. Schools are sometimes ridiculous. I'm happy it worked out for you; I know how frustrating it can be.
@dman12323 I rarely take my kids to doctors because of viruses. Never have excuses either. The school asks for them but with or without it really doesn’t make a difference.
Take care of your babies and don’t worry about what the school is asking from you.
@dman12323 Dude, I feel you there. My daughter, who is now almost 12, started her period at 9 years old. Instant issues. Severe bleeding, pain, fainting, etc. Ended up in the emergency room multiple times. I knew what it was because I had a similar issue. She was diagnosed with endometriosis 8 months later. (I had adenomysis and had a hysterectomy at 35 because it was so severe.)

My young daughter had endured so much already to be diagnosed and still had a bunch of shit ahead of her. She was on an adult dose of hormones and pain killers because the pain was so severe. Yet I was pulled in to multiple meetings with the school and truancy officer. And this is after giving them multiple doctor’s notes, emergency room notes, and 2 notes from her Gyno and pediatric gyno detailing her disorder, what symptoms they caused, and how many days she will miss a month. After all that, I STILL got shit.

Even now, almost 3 years later, I’m getting shit from the school and the truancy officer. They tried telling me I need to take her into the doctor EVERY DAY that she misses. For a CHRONIC DISORDER??? I got them to back down on that, but now I need to get them a brand new note every school year. Detailing her condition, symptoms, and how many days she may miss a month. They told me this, of course, AFTER her last appt with the specialist. Which according to our insurance we can’t go back to until the end of March. It’s a never ending river of bullshit.
@dman12323 Dude. We have the 24 hour rule for vomiting or fevers. My kid has missed 6 days of school, all due to illness, all excused (I called in every one) and I’ve gotten two different letters from school bitching about her absences. Well excuuuuusse me for following the rules and not sending my kid to school when she’s sick!
@krishna2012 Americans claim they (we) love "freedom" but they actually love authoritarians and worship authority. I've lived in several other countries where people supposedly have less "freedom" but would never put up with the authoritarian bullshit that Americans have to live with every day. I'm sure whoever made these rules thinks its good practice for entering the work force, where people have to go to work no matter how sick they are or risk losing their job and thus their healthcare.
@dman12323 The schools here don’t even take doctors notes. Basically everything is considered unexcused no matter what. I don’t even bother calling when my kids are sick anymore. Last year when my oldest was a senior the school called me because she had several absences and I lost my shit on the attendance lady. She was a straight A student for 4 years taking advanced classes. If she said she didn’t feel good I didn’t question her. So ridiculous.
@dman12323 I don't do Dr's excuses. My kids are sick so seldom that they won't miss that much school.

I stopped caring when I found out that if I walk them in one minute late it's an automatic unexcused tardy, but if they wait for the bus half an hour in the rain and the bus is an hour late to school, it's an excused tardy. I WTFed at that and decided that I don't care for their dumb attendance rules.
@dman12323 Imagine you have a child with a chronic illness that requires multiple missed days in school and they want notes for each one even though they have all of her medical records on file proving her chronic illness and surgery. Welcome to my life. 🤦🏽‍♀️
@dman12323 Yeah this shit is always a fucking problem. I ran into it when I was in school due to a weak immune system.
Something my mom did a couple times was bring me to school, walk in with me, being me straight to the nurse and get her to confirm symptoms. School didn’t like it but hey, it worked. And she always made a point to rub their policies in their face! Lol my mom was admittedly a bit of a Karen but fuck, these policies are FUCKED.