No gestational sac 7 weeks


New member
Hi I went in for my ultrasound at 7w3d yesterday and they found no gestational sac. Blood work showed hCG levels were 19,000 and progesterone was 5.33. Dr said it could be chemical pregnancy. Why is my hCG levels so high?
@drew3110 Yes! I’ve had three ultrasounds including an OB and radiologist doing one each. They have found absolutely nothing and my numbers went up again so they are monitoring me. they are hoping they come down soon and i start bleeding.
@bladeofdeth1024 When did you test positive? Are you absolutely certain of your dates?

Unfortunately sometimes the body doesn't realise the pregnancy isn't viable so the HCG continues to rise regardless.
@garryowen Im 100% certain of my dates and I tested positive the morning of thanksgiving 11/23 and I’ve had no bleeding and there is no gestational sac. It’s so crazy to me my HcG levels are still rising after all this time because with no gestational sac it had be unviable pretty early on.
@bladeofdeth1024 My daughter took forever to show her self . I was 8 - 9 weeks I believe when we finally found her and I found out Jan 5th last year and I bleed the entire month of January almost into February. If you levels are going up I would just keep doing checks .
@bladeofdeth1024 Yes. They thought she wasn't going to implant in the correct place because every time we did a ultrasound she was not there. I had never felt so helpless.
But We delivered at 37 weeks due to me having cholecystitis . she was perfect & healthy. She will be 4 months old on the 30th of November.
@ckp Yes!! I actually got several over the span of two weeks and they found out it was a molar pregnancy. It got up to 42,000. Just had surgery and now it’s already down to 1100
@bladeofdeth1024 I am glad you are well and they got it figured out for you. I do apologize if that is something you wanted and looked forward too. I was just thinking about it the other day and thought I would check in.
@ckp Thanks so much I do appreciate it! Honestly I’m just glad they figured out what it was and so far all is good and I’m healthy and I can try again in a few months!!