About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

@chris_mil In my opinion, and I don’t necessarily know your financial situation, I would be willing to dump my job in order to stay at home with my wife during this time. There is a 0% chance I would let my wife go through with that alone with our 2.5 year old. If my job didn’t accept it, then I guess I’d be looking for a new job. I’d figure it out, but all that is not priority to my wife’s wellbeing. My wife had a D&C last year, and I took off work (I, too, travel a lot), so she wasn’t alone. Then following that she had a miscarriage at home, and I took off work. Both times, I let HER tell me when she was ready for me to go back. I went back to work the same day she did. I didn’t set some arbitrary time limit on how long I’d take off. When she was ready, so was I.

All that to say—your husband needs to step up and figure it out like the rest of us.

Now onto the rest. Assuming your husband isn’t able to be around, you can definitely contact your local churches and ask. There are old ladies at every church who would be willing to be with you during that time 100%.
@chris_mil I miscarried previously at about 7 weeks. I stated bleeding 3 days before I passed the sac. Right before I did, the pain I experienced was NOTICEABLY more intense. Very painful cramps in my uterus and back.
@chris_mil I had a missed miscarriage at 11 weeks and also had a toddler at home. It was my first miscarriage and I was extremely nervous. I had to use the abortion pill to start the process. I put the pill in and the cramps started after an hour. I took painkillers and put a heavy pad on which I had to change every 30minutes. The cramps were bad but manageable and chasing after my toddler was actually a great distraction and helped me forget my pain. I did have my sister come over because another friend had mentioned that she had passed out from the bleeding. If you can have someone with you the first 2-3 hrs, a friend or a relative who can just keep you company, I would suggest you do that just to be safe.