gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

@keepswimmingdory The conclusion of this study, again, is that plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of GDM. That is not a causal relationship. There are many non-causal factors that can explain a co-incidental relationship. This study also says absolutely nothing about treating GDM. If you’d like to treat your own gestational diabetes by eating tons of vegan carbs, by all means please enjoy massively harming your fetus and yourself.
@cookgokey_angel The op was talking about how they were low carb leading up to their diagnosis.. so I thought preventative information would be important too. But yeah I didn't have gestational diabetes with my first or with my current pregnancy, but I will definitely enjoy my vegan carbs thanks, bye.

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