About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

@chris_mil In case no one has suggested this yet, get a grocery order delivered now for anything you might need. Get things that are extremely easy to set up. Lunchables, fruit, pediasure shakes, frozen waffles, uncrustables, snacks that are individually wrapped. Set up a snack bin that your toddler can reach and let them pick their own snack when they need it, they can bring it to you to open. Make sure you are eating too. Pre made salads, frozen vegetables in the microwavable package, soup, healthy choice makes some pretty good TV dinners, water bottles. Get paper plates and a pack of pull ups and a couple fun treats. Outshine popsicles are really good and not a ton of sugar! Tell your toddler you are sick and you need them to be a big helper. It’s ok for mommy to be sick sometimes too. My kids will play doctor all day long when I’m sick. Put a couple pillows on the bathroom floor and a movie on so you can take a bath. Care.com might be a good option too, you can hire someone to just hang out at your house for a few hours a day. It is a stranger which isn’t ideal but you’ll still be there. Also make sure your husband is checking on you frequently and makes himself available for calls or texts!
@chris_mil If you live in Alberta, msg me! I’ll come take care of you. I’ve had 6 miscarriages and they were all different. But never had to wrangle a toddler during one.
@chris_mil Also: I had a miscarriage at 12weeks and had nothing resembling a sac come out. That is quite frankly just bizarre and disgusting and dehumanizing advice from your doctor to dig out a gestational sac to bring in to test. That is cruel and inhumane.
@chris_mil I’m so sorry for your loss and how it’s happening. Any chance at all a relative can come watch the tot for you? Can you just put a show on for them while you’re in the bathroom or give them your phone in the hallway so you can do what you must?
@chris_mil I’m so sorry your in this situation. Same thing happened to me in that time frame. If you’re already cramping I would say you have a day or so at most before things start to pass, although that timeline might vary a bit. For me, intense cramping lasted a couple hours. It was similar to early labor pain. Manageable, but worse than period cramps. The worst cramps lasted a few hours. Everyone is different though so keep that in mind.

If you’re able to call on someone to help, definitely do! You could manage at home with a toddler with a pad or adult diapers but it won’t be fun.

Again I’m sorry you’re in this situation. Seems like you’ve been there before but it’s never easy. My heart goes out to you
@chris_mil So sorry for your loss. Surely or at least hopefully your husband can explain the situation this boss and spend the time at working from the office near home due to the situation.
@chris_mil The hard part of my worst miscarriage was from 12 AM to about 6:30 AM. Then I had to take my four kids to school….. I’m so sorry this is happening
@chris_mil I miscarried at 7wks. It just felt like a really horrible period, and bled about the same. It was the emotional toll I wasn't ready for. I am so sorry you are dealing with this, it's so hard. Sending you love.
@chris_mil sending copious amounts of love and internet hugs. 💝💘💗 reach out to friends or ask a family member to split costs for them to fly out and help for a week or so.

You don’t have to suffer through this alone.

Keep manifesting the positives. Imagine holding that screaming newborn on you right after they come out. The first steps. Playing with your first born. Watching them learn how to read. Their sweet laughter. You’re gonna get that baby. Stay strong.

Also maybe pause on potty training for the week and start over once you’re not hurting?
@chris_mil I had a miscarriage and i was watching a very active 1 year old. If you can, buy a playpen or something temporary to put your kid in. Rely on tv to help if you need a break. Wear an adult diaper. Try to take it easy. Its not easy emotionally or physically.
@chris_mil My MC was around the same timeframe (8 weeks, stopped growing at 6 weeks). I was scheduled for a D&C and my MC started that morning. The amount of blood was insane. I went in to get checked and they said i was halfway done, suggested I go back home to manage it until my appointment. Cramping was bad, but manageable. I didn’t have a toddler to care for during that time but it was immensely helpful to have my husband there. I agree with others - put a diaper on your toddler, explain potty training will wait; and urge your husband (or someone else) to come sit with you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Keep an eye on your emotions afterward as well; I hit a pretty dark spot a few weeks after mine.
@chris_mil I’m so sorry. Sending internet hugs. Please call your Obgyn and explain your situation the need for appropriate medical testing, need for childcare and help from your husband. See if they are able to change the date of your d&c and file for FMLA for you and your husband for time off work. I’m so sorry your are going through this.
@chris_mil I have no advice other than use a strainer in the toilet when the products of conception are coming out so that you can catch them.

I'm so sorry. I've been through this before, but I didn't have any living children at the time. My son is almost two and I can't imagine going through that being along with him.
@chris_mil I had a missed miscarriage and didn’t realize the embryo stopped growing until my first appt at 10 weeks, so unless you take medication it’s possible nothing would happen in the next week… or more.

Even with meds nothing happened so I needed a D&C.

I’m sorry you are in such a tough spot logistically with something so unpleasant mentally and physically.

I like someone’s suggestion of having some volunteer or babysitter on speed dial if you need them. Even through a local FB group in your town you would be surprised how kind people can be and you can try to meet them beforehand so it’s not creepy. Also, You never know, it could happen after your daughter goes to sleep and you can shower and have all the time you need in the bathroom.