gestational diabetes while low carb--Is the test wrong if I don't carb-load for days before?

@cgi2099 Im in the US but even regionally it can change here!

In our practice, you only do the one hour if you have risk factors. Without risk factors you might only do the 3 hr once.

I've had friends only do the 1 hr and some only do blood sugar monitoring.
@jwilder9 It could be because your medical system is so messed up with everyone needing private insurance to get basic care without dept. Everything was free for me and i dont have insurance or need it.

That could account for different standards of care between providers/states. 1h test could be cheeper to run then the 2h test.

The 2h trst is standard in all states and territories in Australia.
@cgi2099 In my province in canada we do the one hour test first too. If anything it’s cheaper to just do the 2 hr because it’s diagnostic so you only need to do it once while the 1 hr is a screening, and if you fail you need to do a 3 hr test.
@cgi2099 In the US, the standard process is to do what’s called a “screening” or a “challenge” test as a first step.

You aren’t required to fast or do anything special before. You go into the doctors office, drink the glucola drink, and then after an hour you get a blood draw.

If that number is good, no further tests required.

If your numbers are not good, you then do the 3 hour test where I believe you fast for 12 hours, drink the glucola then get your blood drawn once an hour for three hours.
@plope132 One question for you - does your OB’s office know that you only have 50-100 g of carbs a day?

I only ask because I have gestational diabetes, and I was told that it’s important to make sure I get enough carbs per day as it’s important for baby’s development. They made sure to emphasize that I don’t go too low on carbs. The recommendations I was given is 30-45 g per meal, and 15-30 g per snack (three meals and three snacks per day).

Just want to make sure you’re all good on that front!

Also, could you just take the 3 hour glucose test? That way you could be totally sure whether you have it or not

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