No co sleep unless your body does what it’s supposed to do?

@mike_l I, too, didn't make any milk and it emotionally destroyed me. But we are going on 2 years of co-sleeping. I've followed every other precaution. He was in a side-car bassinet until he outgrew it at 4 months, and then he's been in bed with us ever since,
@mike_l 7 months? You should be fine if you follow the other rules - see the Lullaby Trust website. The risk of SIDS peaks at 2mo IIRC. I used to cosleep at naptime with my FF son when I was ill and exhausted, after 5mo or so. I didn't at night because I am a very deep night sleeper.

You are doing well. Hope you find some support to appreciate that about yourself a bit more.
@mike_l It’s not that breast feeding in itself decreases SIDS it is that when you co sleep and are breast feeding the infant will fave you curled on its side and you will face it an envelope it in a C position. This is the safest co sleeping position.

Dont be so hard on yourself.

I would still co sleep personally following the other safe 6 tips at 7 months, just follow your own comfort level
@mike_l I think it’s less about if the mom can make milk and more about breastfed babies having stronger airways than bottle fed bc breastfeeding is more work for babies. So breastfed babies literally get stronger in like breathing. Idk the exact science but something like that. Bottle feeding is not much work for babies so bottle babies’ breathing apparatus can be floppier and more likely to lead to SIDS. ALSO breastfed babies instinctively move closer to their mothers’ breasts at night bc that’s the food source. This helps prevent babies from falling off beds. Bottle fed babies don’t do that/lose that instinct.
@servingnovice I don’t even co sleep, but this just sounds like next level lactivist bullshit 😂 & a baby being closer to chest doesn’t sound safer in any way. Lemme guess breastfed babies can’t suffocate or get rolled on because of magic milk?💀
@mike_l My theory is that a breast feeding baby does more work in pulling the milk, working those oral, nasal muscles harder than a bottle fed baby. I co-sleep and mine might cosleep until she goes to college which is fine with me. I don’t hear any noises at night thunder, gun shots ambulances - nope but I hear her every move and any little noise she makes. It’s nature according to the people who study this. Mom ear is attuned to this, while dad’s ear is more attuned to the other protection stuff.