No clue what to get toddler for Christmas

@kievonn Same have had the Picasso tiles for a few years and bought more - great quality. Highly recommend - go on good deal Black Friday or a few family members can contribute towards them
@kievonn mine turns 3 in mid-January and yeah, it's hard to come up with anything she wants. she's mostly content to just hang around with us doing chores, or play with the toys she already has. we're going to get her a kitchen knife, a new way-too-difficult "big kid" puzzle, and maybe some roller skates that go over her shoes.
she's also really into letters, so we're looking at something like this where she can start exploring words without actually reading.

Things I would buy if we didn't already have them: micro scooter and helmet, apron, little dust pan and broom (by far the thing that gets the most use in our home lol), beach ball, dress-up clothes.
@ohanzee We bought a $30 corded vacuum by Bissell that has a removable handle. So you can use it more easily on stairs and it looks like a toddler sized vacuum. He cleans up his own Crumb messes it's great.
@kievonn For Christmas he’s getting chalk, a book on cars, a brio train set with a station so he can put them to sleep at night, chalk, and a yoto.
For his birthday right after he’s getting a play kitchen, a dance class, and a fishing game.

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