Newborn Size Clothes are a Scam and Other Thoughts

@jerryklasic Agree 100%! I also wish Id have gotten more onzies that button or zip down the middle. So much easier to get on. My girl was born 7.1 lbs.. and shot up in weight.she was outta nrwborn clothes by 6 weeks. Currently 17 weeks and wearing 3-6 mo clothes. Those growth spurts are real!
@jerryklasic We bought so many size 0 diapers. My son was out of them in 5 days. Size 1 he was out of by 1 month. We ended up with 400 diapers or so that were too small. We gave them away. Don’t stock up on newborn diapers especially if your baby is a chonker!
@jerryklasic I did the same thing recently and wish I could tell my past self not to buy certain things! I had so many pants and top sets and dresses with fiddly buttons, maybe others have more patience than me but my baby went in the easiest clothes to put on and take off for diaper changes! And even now when my baby is older but more mobile the same thing stands, I put her in dresses only now because I am not gonna attempt to put pants over her wriggly kicking legs! Of course this may not work for everyone, if I was in a colder climate she would need more layers but we are in Florida so it’s warm all the time!
@zoekerux777 My baby is 4 weeks old and I wonder to myself, what is the motivation to ever put her in anything other than a zip onesie? Will I ever use the cute pants/shirts hand-me-downs?
@jerryklasic I also personally always suggest getting the zippered sleep and plays because they make diaper changing so much easier! Especially if they just fell asleep.

And to add to the rarely having time to shower much less get them dressed cute, im sure if there was a study done it would prove that the cuter an outfit is the faster a kid will spit, spill, or stain it. Dont stress if theyre mismatched or clash. Babies dont give a shit what they wear as long as they can still chew on their hands and toes lmao
@jerryklasic I actually think newborn is good to have on hand if you can (in just a few basics). Mine were 6.5 and 7.25 pounds at birth. The 6.5 pounder wore newborn for 5 weeks and we didn't have enough! He then only lived in 0-3/3 months for 3 weeks before moving up. Our 7.25 pounder was similar, and despite being long swam in NB clothes at first. I think because they're so floppy - if I had had preemie clothes honestly I would have used them the first few days for both kids.

I will say that when I was pregnant I attempted to stock up on clothes based on anticipated seasons, and I realized after my first was born that that is a fools game you cannot win. One day they will just wake up and no longer fit into anything, and there's no way of knowing if that will align with a size change in brands (e.g. sizing up the day they hit 6 months). Also, weather is getting increasingly hard to predict (I've had newborns in CA and TX and this held true for both) - it might be unseasonably warm/cold so who knows in October whether you should have long or short sleeves. Another thing I hadn't anticipated was that you might actually need warmer clothes in warmer months, especially for small babies/newborns. My youngest was born in summer in Texas and she wore pants or long sleeved sleep n plays most of the time because you don't go outside in Texas in August - you hang out in the air conditioning! I never would have considered that if someone hadn't told me.
@jerryklasic I agree with all of this except for the first point about newborn clothes. We had heard this before having our daughter. My mom (who used to be a pediatrician) was very adamant we not stock up on newborn clothes because, "they'll only last for a week!"

My daughter was born at 39+4, 19 inches, 7 lbs 3 oz. She was swimming in newborn clothes for the first couple of weeks. She didn't start to fit into 0-3 month clothes until after she was 2 months old. We actually ended up having to go out and buy MORE newborn clothes because all we had was a pack of sleep n plays, a pack of plain white onesies, and the free souvenir onesie the hospital gave us (which actually still fits at almost 3 months despite it being newborn size).

I really wish I had known that tip about the Carter's sizing though. I'm putting her in all these cute 3M sized fall outfits this week just so we can get a use or two out of them before she outgrows them.
@jerryklasic Baby clothes are a minefield. I would always suggest to new parents, there are loads of super cute things and of course you are excited and want to buy stuff, so buy things in a range of sizes up to 1year. That way you get to use all the cute stuff even if you have a chunky baby. (But think about seasonal weather!)

Babies are different sizes too so don’t just buy one type of stuff, my LO has a short torso and long legs so onesies just don’t fit. Particularly the zip ones as the zip kept bunching up, so she mainly had trousers and vests from 3mo. So buy a bit of everything and then shop later once you know what you want.
@jerryklasic My daughter was over 7 lbs when she was born and new born clothes hardly fit her. When we left the hospital she was 6lb 10oz (I think?) It really depends on the baby. I had maybe three or four outfits of new born because I knew I probably wouldn’t need a lot and ended up going out and getting more pants and footie pajamas. She didn’t go into 0-3 until she was like 9 or so pounds.
@jerryklasic I agree with most of what you are saying. My baby was born 5lb 8oz...teeny tiny! She didnt fit in NB size clothes, let alone 0-3 mo. Her little legs would curl up in onesies and they’d essentially be sleep sacks. It looked so frumpy and baggy on her which really doesn’t matter but it was nice to put her in some clothes that actually fit everyone once in a while if we had to leave the house. She did outgrow NB size quickly tho.

The thing about buying gender neutral..I feel that 110%. We have been accumulating more gender neutral stuff and i just found out I’m having a boy so I’m happy I didn’t buy all girly shit. Looking at pink all day gives me a headache anyway
@jerryklasic Honestly I agree. BUT my son was a premature baby by about six weeks, so I did end up needing premie new born sizes. He’s now seven months and wearing 12 month size though. All babies are different and grow different, but the baby sizing is weird. And it is a waste to buy so many clothes if the baby will be home the whole time in my opinion. My son is almost naked in his underwear most of the day I only put clothes on him in the car and when we go out....
@jerryklasic Also-second hand! You can get barely-used baby clothes second hand for like a dollar an item if you have a kids secondhand shop around. They're also usually small family businesses, so, at least the ones around me, are often willing to do lot deals if you buy a bunch at once. I'm having a really hard time registering for baby stuff when I KNOW I/my friends and family could get most of it way cheaper at the shop two miles from my house.
@dancingwithgod85 I mentioned this elsewhere but don't stress too much about future sizes yet. Your baby will size up at the most random times (e.g. moving into 6-9 month clothes at 4.5 months old, or not until they're 7.5 months old). Depending where you live, it could be unseasonably warm/cold so those cute tank top sets you thought would be perfect in X size for Y month either won't fit or it will be too cold to wear them. I'd get a mix of stuff but wait to do any heavy stocking up in any larger size until you have a sense for your baby's growth. They tend to follow the same line on the chart (not perfectly though!) so once you have a few months of data you can determine if your baby is going to be on the bigger or smaller end of things.