Nearly 2 mo old baby girl awake 6 or 7 hours

@katrina2017 My wife downloaded the app a couple weeks ago. My wife said, the baby was supposed to start leap 2 today according to the baby's birth date (baby seems to match more with birth date than due date). I guess the baby is on her own schedule and started her leap

We contacted her ped and the doc wasn't worried as some babies go through this. Hopefully it passes soon.
@rollinsonphilip It could be sleep regression (usually around 3 months but can happen early/late) its pretty normal for babies and my son is going through his second bout of this
@rollinsonphilip How about day time? Does she sleep mostly or still awake for a long time? Mine was day/night reversed for a few months.

6 hours seems like a long time to be awake at 2 months. Is the baby fussy when she stay up this long? If she is, you can try to create a quiet place at home (curtain closed, dark room preferred) and see if it’s easier for her to fall back to asleep.
@tcm1 During the day, she naps 1-2 hours and stays awake for 1-3 hours. I hope she didn't become day/night reversed. She had been sleeping generally well until last week. She's not very fussy the entire time- just awake. She does get fussy at times but there's usually a reason for it.

A few weeks ago, my wife and i started doing a bedtime routine- diaper changed, lights dimmed, bath every other day or so, no TV, etc. I'm hoping it passes soon
@rollinsonphilip First time mom here- I went through this a few times. There were days she wouldn’t nap at all for like 10 hours. It was terrifying. Luckily that passed and sleep got way easier at 3 months- something just clicked. But yes, you have to look for tired cues and even at 4.5 months her wake time is 1.5 hours. I remember panicking thinking my baby was broken, scouring the internet and crying. A few days like this will happen and then it will get better. I wouldn’t worry too much but when you’re in the thick of it it’s rough and scary.
@rollinsonphilip We were having a lot of difficulties at that age too and definitely found we were letting him lead sleep time instead of us. If you're on Instagram I found @takingcarababies account super helpful. Also agree with everyone else about watching your "wake windows".
@rollinsonphilip What is she like during the day? If sleeping/napping well she may just have day and night a bit mixed up - some of my friends babies haven't slept much in the day but sleep well at night and are perfectly happy. My gut instinct though is that she's probably getting overtired - once you miss the magic window for sleep they are nearly impossible to get to sleep!

I tended to look for first yawn or 1.5-2hrs since he last woke up then 'encourage' to sleep by feeding/rocking/white noise/car ride. Every baby and family is different though - what is 'usual' might not be normal for your little one.
@australiandownunder We are learning more about our baby's magic window for sleep. It seems if we hold her for 15 or 20 minutes after she falls asleep before laying her down, there's a better chance she'll stay asleep.

Throughout the day she will doze off for 5 or 10 or 15 minutes, but she'll eventually wake up. She usually wakes up when we try to lay her down.
@soufian1456 Same here. Baby slept from 11 pm through 3 pm, and from 4 to 6 am. But has not been able to sleep since then. He just hasn't been able to nap during the day and gets overtire.