My supervisor didn’t say I was ok to take the day before my planned c-section off…?

@qork I guess it depends on where you live/work but at my company we're allowed a month of PDL before the due date.. thats unreasonable. I wouldnt even want to work there after the baby is due.
@qork If you’re in CA, you can apply for Pregnancy Disability which covers you for 4 weeks before your due date or planned C-Section (earlier if your physician determines it’s needed). It’s separate from FMLA which kicks in once you have the baby. Your boss/HR may want to reconsider letting you take 1 day of PTO rather than having to deal with DI over 1 day. That being said, you could take more days if you need to. I took the entire 4 weeks + 8 weeks of FMLA. I would follow-up before going this route but research your rights for your state or ask your doctor what your options are. They also aren’t legally allowed to “discriminate” against you for exercising your right to take the time off you need to ensure a healthy pregnancy/birth. That means they can’t use you choosing to take extra time off as a reason to give you any type of a negative evaluation on your yearly review. Good luck and congrats!
@qork I’m guessing you’re in the US? My maternity leave (short term disability) didn’t start until I had a qualified medical event (labor and delivery).
@qork It’s frankly none of their business what you’re doing the day before if you’re using your PTO. Just take it. In the grand scheme of things it’s easier on them because you know when you’re delivering. If you went into labor they would have notice and shouldn’t have anything to say about that either.

I’m the only person who does my job at my company and took my maternity when I needed to. I trained other people and wrote out all my processes before leaving then just told them when I was gone. (I took the two days off before my induction.)