My sack of shit cheating husband

@annessa3 Thank you for normalizing our relationship. It is a hard season and obviously one with a dry season and he has no excuse to run around the way he did. Excessive and manipulative
@lynnede Congratulations on your degree! While he spent his time looking for instant gratification you have worked toward your goals and accomplished some. Be proud of yourself!
@lynnede You said he even had unprotected sex with these hook ups—you need to get yourself tested just in case he passed something to you though his own fuck ups. This sucks that this happened to you and I hope you have a good support system to help you through this.
@teeners I did get tested and I am fine but I am resentful of the fact that he risked my fertility and health and everything. He risked and sacrificed everything.
@lynnede It’s so fucked up and they never ever think of the partner they are fucking over. I went through a similar situation so I have a lot of empathy for you.
@teeners I don’t have high self esteem but I’m developing more but I can say for certain he gave up a good thing with me and in your case, you too. Fucking loooooosers.
@lynnede What a scumbag. Yeah. I'd be leaving his ass too. You're doing the right thing. Document everything from now on. Save messages, take pictures and videos. Keep it all
@lynnede I just want to say that he is a terrible person for what he did. What he did is NOT a reflection on you, or your worth. It's a reflection of how insecure he is, and how little he values the supportive and caring people in his life and relationships, which shows us so much more about him than anyone else. He had it all, and he couldn't be grateful and faithful. You are a prize and that little worm was not worthy of you and your love. You deserve much more than that little downgrade of a human being was capable of.
@lynnede You are not responsible for any of his behaviors. He chose to sleep around and endanger your health in the process. Cuddling more wouldn’t have stopped him from doing that.
@lynnede This is heart breaking, but I am so proud of you for filing for divorce. It will be a tough road, but you are obviously strong and will come out ahead. Reminder to let yourself feel (and process) all the emotions because you will move on. Go you!
@miraclewalker If it’s similar I hope you find strength. Trust me I’m not full of it but, I was terrified and distraught and right now it has shifted to anger. Let’s get divorced together lol. We’re all here for each other
@lynnede I’d love to get divorced with you haha. I wish it was that easy for me. My husband threatens suicide whenever I try to leave. I don’t want my son to live without his father.
@miraclewalker My own father is like that. My folks finally pulled the trigger a few years ago and yes my dad had an unsuccessful episode. He remarried (someone my age that’s a different story) and he still has issues. He just had another episode about a month ago and lived with me for two weeks. It’s such a hard position to be in and it’s so manipulating…
@lamer123 Isn’t that just disgusting. Trying to trap me in this life with him. He said he was going to tell me eventually I was like WHEN?! 5, 10, 50 years? After our second kid? After YOUR second kid with some random chick? After we caught something like?! It’s just gross and disrespectful.