My sack of shit cheating husband

@lynnede I just read a few of your other posts and seriously, fuck this guy. I’m glad you’re getting rid of him, good fucking riddance. He’s going to realize how majorly he just fucked up his life sooner or later and come crawling back to you.
@mac101263 I’m not sure what you read but this has been the DARKEST YEAR OF MY LIFE. I was put on suicide watch last December after the accidental death of my dog. I crawled out of a black hole after losing him. It was April I got back in school full time like. I was doing my best…I was supportive, I’m empathic , I know i’m a good listener, I held down the house like…sure I wasn’t waiting in bed wearing lingerie when he came home but I have endured a lot and I have been on an emotional, spiritual journey and he’s telling me he was sexually anorexic…….I made so many excuses for him just hoping for the best to come sooner or later.
@lynnede Oh bromo, I’m so sorry you are going through this! I’ve been in your shoes and my sack-of-shit ex was running around on me when I was pregnant. The first year is always hard, but I promise when you look back on this period of your life, you’re going to be so fucking proud of yourself. You are strong, you are resilient, and while it may feel like the walls are crumbling right now, you will see a better tomorrow. 💗

Sending you a virtual hug.
@joshuavargas Man. I just can’t. I think my son right now is too young but while still in utero?! No way…
He was excited when I was pregnant but he was so arrogant to all those cliches like “you’ll fall in love when you see that baby” so set to not fit that and he never did. Our son never changed him like it changed me. If he really loved him then he wouldn’t have hurt his mother. I know time is the champ of all healers. Thank you for sharing and encouraging me. Hugs back. Between my rent and other man rants I’m two seconds away from playing for the other team lol. ❤️
@lynnede You deserve so much better than that POS.

One thing that helped me when I went through something similar was destroying a ton of crap. This was pre rage room (are those still a thing?) availability. Anyway, some of my friends and I went to a: Goodwill outlet and bought loads of really awful stuff that was getting ready to be sent to a landfill. We took it all to a friend's farm and screamed, smashed, hammered, and completely annihilated that stuff. It was so cathartic.
@lynnede Funny story, at least to me…two weeks after my ex husband blindsided me with saying he wants a divorce, I found out he was having an affair. A week after that he moved out. My sister came down the very next day (from out of state 6hrs away) to stay with me. During her 8 day stay, she commented that she couldn’t believe I hadn’t broken anything or smashed shit outta rage. I said “what’s the point? Anything I broke, I’d have to clean up. Why would I make more work for myself when I already have too many problems to deal with? BUUUUUT, I’ll have you know that I smashed our wedding ornaments, kindly wrapped it in a lot of bubble wrap, put it in an ornament box with a letter at the bottom saying ‘Merry Christmas! I hope you and your child-whore get everything y’all deserve during the most wonderful time of the year! I hope she gets 18 years of Xmas with you before you trade her in for a newer model, or you’re dead.’”
*she’s 17 years younger than him thus earning the nickname child-whore.

A few days after my sis returned home, I smashed a pizza cutter from frustration (pent up frustration? Yea maybe just a lil) and sent a picture of it to my sister asking “does this count?” We still laugh about that and she got me a dope one for Xmas that year.

I do wish I could’ve smashed a bunch of shit but I did break all his Grateful Dead Box Sets CDs and left them in a pile in the middle of the living room.
@lynnede Similar situation but without the cheating (that I know of). Do you know what a RELEIF it is to take FUCKING a man, who is not only unhelpful but adds to your mental/physical load & sits back watching you struggle, off the table.

I don’t have to have in the back of my mind that I need to make up some excuse or God forbid, actually suck it up and have sex with the sack of shit. All of my time, beyond work & taking care of the kid is MY TIME! I don’t have to worry about attitude when I don’t have sex, I don’t have to pretend I’m sleeping when I really want to be scrolling on my phone or watching TV. I don’t have to DREAD having sex with someone who doesn’t give a shit about my needs.
It’s actual paradise.

Good riddance to your useless sack of assholes. After you get through the shock & betrayal you will realize how free you are to enjoy your life and you will feel actual JOY again.

Wishing you SO SO SO much happiness!! You will get there, and you will love it!
@lynnede His behavior is appalling, but you are a goddess! Full time work and full time school while solo parenting a toddler? My god woman. I can’t wait to see what you can do without that dead weight holding you back. I hope he’s paying child support.

Your marriage was fine, you were just married to a needy child. He sounds like a narcissist. Blech.
@k9subsea A goddess 😭 thank you so much. I’m a sign language interpreter so it’s mentally exhausting. I was in school for environmental science hoping to work in wildlife rehabilitation but now I can’t move right now for a job, I can’t take a pay cut and I can’t work hours that are outside of daycare schedule so now I’m back at it getting my teaching certificate so I can teach deaf education. NOT MY PLANS but it’s the next right thing. He was always holding me back…I just can’t believe I got in this deep with him.
He certainly has some type of personality disorder.
@lynnede Jfc men are trash. It has been 6 years since I had my first kid, 4 years since my final kid. I am just now STARTING to get me libido back. I hate men expect us to be as horny as we were before kids. Being touched out is real.
@claire_ Thank you for saying this. My libido is incredibly low. He would always get mad I would initiate or like I was just trying to get it done. Asked me what turned me on and I would always say GOOD DADS.
Like we didn’t have a shared experience, we didn’t have a close proximity so therefore, no intimate relationship. I am truly offended that he cheated on me with girls. Little girls. I confronted a few of theme just seeking more information and I made one of the twenty one year olds CRY. She felt so bad and said she didn’t know and was truly disgusted he even had a wife and kid. I ended up consoling her lmao. It’s such a JOKE.
@lynnede I am so angry for you reading this, I hate this for you and I’m so sorry.

I also have a 3yo. Sex isn’t something that happens all the time in this season of life and even if it did, it doesn’t change a cheaters heart.