My sack of shit cheating husband

@lynnede Curious which country you are located in? Maybe it would be helpful to access a counsellor or therapist, and honestly if you don't have the time or inclination, a doctor can likely prescribe medication to help
@lynnede Darn, I'm in Canada so I had a few resources at the ready that I know of. In the US I'm not totally sure how it works. Maybe a fellow US based bromo could chime in here?

In Canada, Ontario specifically, I was able to access a few different resources when I needed help (specifically acute anxiety/panic attacks).
@lynnede If your full time job offers EAP benefits you can get x amount of weeks covered to see a therapist.

My husbands also works for each new “issue”. So cutting back on drinking was one, his mother’s passing was another, etc.
@lynnede It is traumatizing! Nothing dramatic at all about what you're going through. When someone discovers their partner has been having an affair, there's literally damage done to your nervous system. It's fried. You have SUCH a hard road ahead, and the one person who was supposed to navigate the hard roads with you not only put you there, but then fucking chopped you into pieces and left you to put yourself back together again before you can even start thinking about getting off that road.

Fuck that guy. What a weak piece of shit. Couldn't step up when you brought your son home and couldn't even just appreciate a partner that does everything to keep the household? Ooooooo I cannot wait for life to hit that idiot real hard.

Also... trying to accuse you of cheating first? Knowing he had all the evidence on his phone of his own indiscretions?

.... like he knows you not only ran the house hold, cared for your son, cared for him, but also got your bachelor's degree while doing all that, right? And he was still gunna treat you like you were stupid?

I'm so mad for you. How many ways can one person break your heart?
@artoniquenelson Thank you for giving me more words to put behind my feelings. Yes not only was he useless but he just caused so much damage.
I don’t have high self esteem but I’m aware that I’m a catch. Waiting for life to hit him hard too…I will be here waiting and watching.
@lynnede You’re a BEAST! Raising a toddler pretty much alone, working full time AND you just graduated with your bachelors?! There is nothing you are incapable of including noping right out of this marriage! The level of disrespect mentally and the risk he put your physical body in isn’t forgivable. Tell the voice in your head that your marriage was stagnant out of your head. Your marriage was normal. And even if you were a sex machine when he came home, he still would have done this. It’s not you, it’s him. He can worry about his pathetic life and his 5 pets. You have been figuring out how to take care of literally EVERYTHING. His turn to learn how to figure life out without a good woman.
@lynnede Damnit it so angry for you AND your child. How can someone do this? Be mad. You do not deserve this.

Editing to add yes I commented twice because fuck this dude
@katrina2017 It’s unbelievable. I just thought he was grinding, I was grinding and we were slowly improving our life. I understood it was just a season and he burnt it to the ground. I had to CATCH him. He wasn’t going to stop. I saw this loser through so much. Honestly it’s my fault. I was outgrowing him from the moment we started talking and I should have just ran. Instead I got love bombed and really started to believe it and here we are…I just wish I could tell my son that he was gone forever like I hate him
@lynnede No way that it's your fault at all so please don't think that. It's completely his own fault. I am so sorry that you've got a child involved in this but he is so lucky to have a mom who is able to pick herself (and him) up and get out of a shitty situation. You're doing amazing, you are so strong because honestly I don't know what the fuck I'd ACTUALLY do. You know? Anyway, fuck man like my stomach is in knots for you, I am wishing you just a wonderful day tomorrow, as good as it can get right now 💜
@katrina2017 I seriously appreciate this. I am being told I’m brave and strong and I don’t feel it but every time I’m told that it just makes me walk a little taller and push through. It’s just a shit show.
@lynnede You are. Very much so. Keep walking tall and pushing through because I am so sure that things will feel normal again for you and things will stabilize. I hope that if you feel you need additional support that you are able to get it. I know in the US things regarding healthcare, mental or otherwise, might not be easily accessible. But I think you'll be ok, and honestly maybe even better off ❤️❤️