My mom died, I inherited her shares to the family company and my uncle says I’m not ready to lead after 13 years of hard work

@journierman Good leaders question themselves. Now you know you are a good leader so go get in there. I would approach him by patting his hand and offering to help manage his big feelings and obvious confusion
@journierman I'm sorry for your loss, nothing will ever replace your mother.

As you probably guessed, your uncle thinks that now your mother has passed, he can just take over.

While I know you are grieving, you will need to give uncle some tough love and you will likely need to act fast.

You are the majority shareholder, you were next in line. He needs to like it or lump it. He might give you some 'I am your elder/I am a man bs', but you need to remain firm. If he doesn't like it, he can leave. I mean as the majority shareholder, you can decide who is in charge, no?

I would demand he return everything to your mothers office - who gave him permission to do that? Nobody.

You could also ask your workers to not respond to him, ignore him, hes not the boss. If you work with other companies, let them know you are taking over and that you want to continue your working relationship.

While he is family, I'd consider firing him or putting in a boxed role.
@journierman Why are you letting an incompetent old man decide whether or not you're ready? You're ready, YOU decide, you're the CEO and you're the one in charge. Act like it.
@journierman So you’d own 2/3 of the company with another aunt and HE would be the boss?HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I don’t think so. Men have such a shameless sense of entitlement. This is yours. Take it. Your mom would want you to take it.
@journierman So sorry for the loss of your beloved mom. I lost mine, and my dad, 2 years ago as well. My mom was 64 and never got to retire either. It’s really sucks.

You already know you’re the right person to continue your mom’s legacy. Your uncle sounds delusional. Your mom is so very proud of you, and always will be. When in doubt, close your eyes and imagine your mom guiding you and cheering you on.

Also, just making sure you’re taking care of you. Drink your protein shakes, go to therapy, see your doc about meds if it helps you deal with all this as an added stressor on top of the grief. Share your mom and your struggles with the grief support sub. They were of great comfort to me, sometimes more than the beautiful people in my life. They just get it.
@journierman Who cares what he thinks. I wish you so much luck and love in this journey as you take control of the company your Mom worked so hard for, and make her proud. I’m so sorry you’re in this position because of such a tragic loss. Please give yourself time to grieve, and don’t give your uncle a second thought.
@journierman You got this!

That fear you have? That was programmed into you by society that an older man has more experience and competence just by virtue of their existence.

You know for a fact that this is not the case with your uncle.

I'm sorry you have to deal with this while grieving.

You control the majority stake

You own the same stake as him

You have extensive experience preparing for this role, whereas he has demonstrated incompetence. Incompetence to the point where your mother, with zero experience, was a better option than him.

You are coming from a place of power and he's trying to knock you down.

Put on your power outfit and show him who the fuck is the boss. Make your mom proud.
@journierman You will be great and you sound more than qualified. Don’t let your uncle get in the way of you or the success of the company.

I am so so sorry for your loss. Your mom sounds like a badass. I bet you have that gene too.
@journierman Whoa, you've been through so much! I'm so sorry for your loss. It sounds like you're mom has been training and preparing you for this moment. You are ready to lead! Please don't let an incompetent 72 yr old make you feel less than or not worthy.

This stranger thinks you are going to do a great job, and will lead the company as well as your mother did. If you feel the need to let your uncle go, please exercise your right to do so. Best of luck to you! My condolences for the loss of your mom.