My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.


New member
Seriously. What. The. Fuck.

Where did my sweet curious little girl go? She’s still fantastic…. But there are moments I literally stare at her and think - what the actual fuck.

I’m so tired haha…. Tell me it’s gets better
@3007 Literally cried myself to sleep last night because I can’t handle my 3 year old. I’m also pretty close to birthing my second and suddenly wondering who the hell thought I was qualified for 2 kids when I can’t handle the one I have.
@shatter94 How is the 2.5 year age difference? Expecting another and that’s what ours will be. I was hoping for them to be closer to 18 months apart or so, my worry is they won’t really be able to play together much until the little is maybe 3 or so.
@mrcjd3 Had my second when my first was 28 months and honestly it’s been great. She was just young enough to not truly grasp how irrevocably her life was going to change but old enough to go get her own snacks from a predetermined drawer while I was feeding the baby or nap trapped.
@mrcjd3 Its great. My older one was more independent (and nearly potty trained) when my second was born and is always wanting to help and love on her brother. Now that hes mobile and interesting to her its even better. She will go and sit by his crib and talk to him in the mornings for 30+ minutes giving me soem sweet sweet extra sleep 😂 she does go through bouts of being annoyed that he's touching her stuff or knocking down her towers but I can tell that in a few months when he's a bit more understanding they will play together even better. Easily by the time he's 18 months they'll be great playmates but they really already are right now at 11mo
@shatter94 My now-5 year old has been over the top for so long that I'm really trying to figure out whether she needs an intervention. She's clearly not autistic or delayed, she's just. So. Intense.
@dylan4512 Everything I've been told (and seen in my classrooms) is that most kids get better with their tantrums and emotions around 4yo. I'm also a big proponent of getting kids evaluated if you think anything might be a little off. Could be nothing, could be something like ADHD, or it could be that kiddo is gifted/talented and just bored out of her mind.
@shatter94 Yeah, we're expecting ADHD. I have it, I think both my siblings do, my dad and several of his siblings probably do, and there's something on my husband's side. So no surprises and I'm hoping we'll figure out how to handle it more easily than my parents did. I just honestly wasn't prepared for the arguments yet! She's so argumentative, and so sensitive, and she comes by it honestly. But oh my god.
@shatter94 I feel you. I have a 3.5yo boy and it feels like Im dealing with a teenager when he throws tantrums. And hes very good in speaking that i forget hes not even 4yo. He says to me "Mum!!!!! See, I told you not to do this and that!!!!" , "Mum, dont hug me!!!" And its the never ending whinging i just dropped my laptop on my brand new console table and scratched the table so bad because i was getting nagged at while he was pooping and i was trying to move to the room near the toilet. Honestly. What a day it has been. But I still love my little boy so id rather whinge here lol
@iamthankful Two kids 3.5 years apart. It’s the self-awareness for me with the older one. She knew she wasn’t the baby anymore and we had a rough couple of months there. No longer was gentle parenting enough, she would just do things for attention. And yes, she was going through a tough time due to a huge life change but that still doesn’t mean she can do things that wreak havoc without consequences.

There were times I felt like a terrible mom. I felt like I would be the cause of her therapy bills. It will be hard. But it will get better as your second gets older.