My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date


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“I’m TeRrIbLe WiTh DaTeS.”

Editing to add context:

We were at a birthday party for a friend's kid and my husband was signing a waiver for our son to play on the play space. It's not son's birthday, which is in December. Husband was making a very blank expression on the year and looked at me. I said, "You do know his birth year, right?" To which I received the above response.

Even my alcoholic, absent, brain-injured dad knew mine and my siblings' full birth dates. Even my dearly-departed grandfather, who couldn't recognize his own mother's dishes, knew birth dates. Even my 42-year-old brother knows my niece's and nephew's birthdates.

Fucking humiliating.
@keepitsimple144 My dad still doesn’t know my birthday. I’m in my late 30’s. I remember that being a popular joke in the 90’s. Home Improvement, Tim took his son (JTT) to the hospital and he was trying to fill out the intake form. He didn’t know the birthday or his kids eye color. Why I remember this but can’t remember why I walked into a room don’t ask me.
@naomimara So I’m from a family of 4 kids. It’s normal that when my mom yelled at one, it typically took going thru a list of names until she hit the right one. But that lady can also tell the time, length, weight, and what percentile we were in at all our baby appts.

My dad? He knows the month. Man worked to provide for a family of 6. But he knew everyone one of my friends dads and what beer they drank. And I don’t feel any less loved bc I know he will always be there when I need him, I just should probably always fill out my own paperwork.
@simmeh I’m at an age where my aunts and uncles are dying. As they pass, I am learning that they had whole first names we didn’t know or middle names that have been misspelled since the dawn of time. There were several birthdates we had to deduce. My grandparents argued about their anniversary date so much that we don’t know which date was real. Grandpa couldn’t remember the date, but he treasured every minute with her. We love each other fiercely. The details are just that.
I’m at an age where my aunts and uncles are dying. As they pass, I am learning that they had whole first names we didn’t know

Yes! My aunt passed away a few years ago and my mom (so her SIL) and I found out at her funeral that her real name was Martha, and not Elaine. Our minds were blown.
@simmeh Man! Mine thinks I'm still in college, despite having children of my own as a "geriatric" mom. At this point I'd be impressed if his margin of error is ± 15 years.
@daughterofaking Same here. I remember being at home, alone with him on my 16th birthday. I had just completed my GCSE exams the day before and was off school, all of my friends had their last one on that day. My mum was at work and siblings in school. He asked me what I was doing that day and was surprised when I told him it was my birthday and that I had nothing to do. Fortunately, my mum remembered.
@keepitsimple144 My daughter is in a multi-age classroom. It’s grades 3-4. Her dad was confused last week when she said something about “that annoying 3rd grader” because he thought she was in a 4-5 classroom. It’s March. Late March.
@youngdad98763 Birthdate of December 4. School cut off date of December 1. There was some low-tech forging of my birth certificate to enroll me in kindergarten with my best friend who lived across the street and was six days older than me (birthdate of November 28).

My mom got the idea from my aunt, who did the same thing with my cousin who had a December 2 birthdate.

The only difference is they told my cousin his real birthday but told him he had to pretend it was 12/1 at school. For me they just straight up told me my birthday was 12/1 until I was practically done with middle school.

Yeah, my 14th birthday I was in 9th grade and it was the first birthday I knew for sure about the real date. (Apparently I was aware of my real birthday at one point bc there’s a VHS tape of me somewhere saying my birthday is 12/4 but I was like 2 or 3, so clearly I didn’t remember that fact)