my bf pulled out BEFORE PRECUM


New member
it was my first time, i lost my virginity in the shower and my bf kept pulling out to make sure there was no precum. when he was rlly sure he told me n i moved away, he continued on himself. (he usually doesnt precum anyway)
the next round I rubbed myself on his penis and he came into his stomach. and he pushed me away to make sure none came into my vagina, i then rushed to the bathroom to pee JUST IN CASE… this happen a few days after my period (i dont know my actual track)
please tell me this wont get me pregnant
i live in a strict eastern country, abortions arent allowed and pre martial sex isn’t acceptable in our society. please tell me.
My next period comes in 9 days and honestly cant wait i am freaked out.
we didnt have condoms at that time and yes i know unprotected sex makes u pregnant. does him pulling out before precumming make me pregnant?
he keeps asking me about my period and mood and fatigue to make sure but it honestly made me more freaked out. I wasnt that freaked out before tho
@anshu Just want to add on, the peeing is for preventing getting UTI’s, it does not help in preventing pregnancy. Your urethra (pee hole) and vagina (reproductive hole) are two different things
@anshu He cannot know if there was precum or not. It’s involuntary and oftentimes comes out while the guy is inside. That being said, the pullout method is 78% effective with typical use and 96% effective with perfect use over a year. If you live in a strict area, you need to use condoms every time and not have sex if you don’t have any. Pregnancy is unlikely but possible.
@anshu He can’t know about precum. I have never met a man that could tell. In the future please use condoms or another form of BC. There is a reason the pullout method is called the parent method
@katrina2017 Hello this is her bf, while it’s not possible for me to feel, it generally happens only sometimes not every time and generally speaking regardless of what I’m doing I produce a little more until we finish. So I’m pretty confident that there wasn’t precum as I did try to check pretty often. But you are right it’s possible that I did and didn’t realize. This particular fact is what we’re concerned about but it seems chances are we’re just freaking out and overthinking. We’re definitely going to explore other BC options from now on. Thank you for your response. Hope you have a good day.
@anshu Straight from planned parenthood - Pre-cum doesn't usually have any sperm in it. But some people may have a small amount of sperm in their pre-cum. If there is sperm in someone's pre-cum, and that pre-cum gets into your vagina, it could possibly fertilize an egg and lead to pregnancy. — so in other words, you probably aren’t pregnant. But still take a pregnancy test when the time comes.
@marco973 This is one of the best responses so far. Also OP just buy condoms and keep them around or consider getting on birth control (if even possible where you are) You won’t get pregnant every time you have sex but unprotected sex can very easily lead to pregnancy. It’s unlikely you are pregnant but I wouldn’t encourage continuing like this. Also take a pregnancy test for peace of mind and just in case
@kids1stplacemom Hello this is her bf, Thank you both for your responses. We’re definitely not going to continue this way again, we made a rash decision this one time and we’ve definitely learned from the experience. Hope you guys have a great day
@anshu It’s possible but not likely. In your situation, I just wouldn’t have sex without condoms. Nonpenetrative is generally okay so long as sperm doesn’t get near/on your vaginal opening. While the chances of pregnancy from just proximity are very, very low, it’s technically possible. Chances are you aren’t pregnant but using just pullout is generally a question of when not if.
@anshu It sounds like you are confusing precum with just cumming. He could have still came inside as he was pulling out.

I guess just cross your fingers. You can’t be too worried if you didn’t take any precautions.
@thecurious Hello this is her bf, we’re certain I didn’t cum inside because for the last 10 minutes we did outercourse and as the post says I finished on myself and didn’t get any on her. We’re just concerned about the chances of precum specifically getting her pregnant. Because while I was trying to check like many other comments said it’s possible I might have and didn’t realize it.
@sreya If you were that scared during the act of sex then you probably shouldn’t have been having sex without other measures in place.

Have a blessed day.
@thecurious Fully acknowledge we made a dumb decision. Will definitely learn from this experience and do better next time. I hope you have a great day too :)
@anshu I’m not gunna lie, I made quite the face reading your post. Maybe not use porn star verbiage when asking for advice?

Anyway, you’re never going to know when that happens. He could have that within the first 30 seconds and you’d never know. Him pulling out repeatedly checking while water is running on both of you isn’t really a reliable indicator of how much there was or when. You could be pregnant of course, but unlikely. Stressing yourself out over it can delay your period. Just try to relax and not dwell on it too much. Next time just be more careful.

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