My Baby Is Too Big?


New member
I’m 21 weeks pregnant with my second child, a girl!
However, at the anatomy scan ultrasound, they found out that she’s very big for her gestational age. In the 96th percentile, apparently 😪 I got a call today that I need to schedule another ultrasound, and I’m super worried. My Ob told me they might need to schedule another appointment if baby was ‘too big’
I was NOT expecting at all for my baby to ever be ‘too big’ as I’m 5’3 and my husband is 5’1. His family members are almost all on the smaller size, though I do have some taller or bigger people on my side of the family. But my son (5) is very small for his age, and he was a pretty small baby at 6 pounds and 11oz.

I can’t help but worry and feel like.. extremely guilty? I have struggled with my weight since the pandemic, and I definitely weigh a lot more than I did during my first pregnancy. They informed me I should only be gaining about 15/20 pounds through the pregnancy (I haven’t been gaining very much far.) But I feel like it’s my fault for my baby being so big, and now that there’s another ultrasound I’m worried it’s going to be a problem.
It doesn’t help that I’ve been craving sweets so much 🥲 I haven’t done my glucose test yet to see if I have gestational diabetes so I’m not sure if that’s a factor. Either way I just feel awful about the whole thing 🥲
Has anyone else gone through a similar situation? How did it all work out?
@andy0 I would say they need to test you for GD asap. Don’t be to worried, you will just need to monitor your sugar, and be on a low carb low sugar diet. Your baby will benefit from this greatly. I am 39 weeks and have a c section tommarow morning, I had GD and have been worried about all these things to. You just have to do the best you can to get more protine into your diet and less carbs less sugar and u both will be fine . If you ever wanted to u should join the gestational diabetes group on Facebook that helped me so much with any concerns I had
@andy0 They will likely check measurements and then yes test for gestational diabetes, thats what they mean by that. Faster growth can mean gd or just a big baby. My second baby was measured at 90 centile at 20 weeks they sent me straight for diabetic tests and turned out the scanner was incorrect he was just a little big 7lb 13 at delivery.

Problem is babies are getting bigger over all in general
@andy0 My LO was always on the 97th centile during my pregnancy, they queried GD but all was fine. She was born at 39+4 (induced due to risk of Preeclampsia) at 8lbs. She has been tall ever since though my husband is tall so not a complete surprise.

I would certainly go with the GD test but other than that I wouldn't be too concerned. I know a lot of people who were told they were having a huge baby just to birth a very average sized baby!

Best of luck!
@andy0 I hate when doctors shame women for gaining too much or too little during pregnancy. Your weight gain does not reflect your baby’s weight/health. It’s a myth. There is no perfect goal weight gain during pregnancy. And ultrasound is typically still inaccurate for predicting baby weight. My kids were all estimated really off during their ultrasounds. The biggest concern, like others mentioned, is potential gestational diabetes, which they will screen for regardless to baby’s weight. Did baby measure in higher percentile at previous ultrasounds or is this the first time? Or is this your first ultrasound for baby? I’m wondering if they could be off on how far along you are also.

Also your personal weight isn’t an indication of your baby’s health and weight. When I was my healthiest, I birthed my heaviest baby, and when I weighed the most during pregnancy, I birthed my lightest baby. They aren’t wrong when they say every pregnancy is different.

With all that said, I do encourage every pregnant woman I meet to try and eat a healthy diet. When you crave ice cream, eat frozen yogurt instead, potato chips, try mixed nuts, etc. it’s not perfect or easy, I know. But valuing your health is a good thing to do in general. Also, don’t completely cut out the things you love. BUT instead of eating a big bowl of ice cream, make a small cone, or just eat one scoop. Eat smaller portions of the things you’re craving and larger portions of alternatives.
@winterkiss I love this!
And it’s my 3rd ultrasound, I had to have extra because there was a hematoma on the earlier ultrasounds, but this is first where they mentioned her being too big
@andy0 I would try to not stress about it. I overstressed during my pregnancy. It’s okay to have big babies. The problem just needs to be known to doctors. I had a C section and that may be your future and it’s not that scary! Message if you have any questions! Thanks!