My 3.5 y/o son is abusing the bathroom amnesty on potty talk


New member
Potty talk has been the height of humor for him lately, so in order to prevent our entire dinner conversation from being about eating pee-pee and po-po, we made the rule that there should be no more potty talk or jokes, which was then negotiated (“But what if I NEED to talk about pee-pee and po-po?!”) to only potty talk in the bathroom since that is where it happens.

Cue this morning when I went to use the restroom, and the moment I sat down on the toilet my son came barging into the bathroom.

3 y/o: This is the PERFECT place to talk about potty.

Me: Yes, we can talk about potty when we’re using the bathroom.


Well, boys, I’ve been had 😂
@soulserena Unfortunately, toots are funny…but we have a no talk around guests/eating times. It’s something we need them to laugh about though since we are potty training the youngest. Can’t have negative emotion around pooping…we already get the angry pre-poop attitude from the little guy.
@jacques8989 my kid will fart and burst out laughing. He is 1.5. Sometimes he will wait until I'm changing him and unleash a huge one and giggle uncontrollably.

He's off to a good start.
@san422 My 4yo will wait until he's in the bath, then let one rip and say, with a shocked look on his face, "I fawted!"

I'm worried one of these days it won't be just a fart. I'm actually surprised we haven't had an inmate escape yet.
@soulserena My son got a cheap set of walkie talkies for his birthday, then proceeded to set one up around the dinner table and excused himself to use the restroom where he brought the other one just to say "pee pee poo poo" at the dinner table.

Malicious compliance.
@kellie89 There was very specific wording he used in the negotiations: “talk about po-po” not “talk about going po-po,” so that just left the door wide open for anything so long as it’s in the bathroom. I have only myself to blame, really.