Mother's Day Graduation!


New member
At 8:55 last night we received the best mother's day present imaginable with the birth of our daughter. She came via an emergency c-section after the induction didn't take (dilated from 3cm to 4cm in 8 hours), mum had developed a fever from a possible infection, and babies heart rate was 180+.

He was born at a tiny 2.65kg and was breathing rapidly. She had to be taken straight to a capsule where the hooked her up to a heart rate monitor and an IV. Seeing her laying there with tubes and wires coming out of her was heartbreaking.vthankfullu after a few hours of observation they were satisfied enough to release her.

I'm sitting here typing this while my wife is asleep on the bed and my beautiful 17 hour old baby girl is sound asleep in my arms.

I know I haven't posted much, but this sub has been a huge source of comfort for me over the last few months so thank you. I've never been happier to unsubscribe to a subreddit!

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