Maternity Leave- what would you do?

@xxwunderkindxx I'm not the most knowledgeable HR professional but that policy doesn't sound right. However, idk if it's worth pushing it or talking to a labor lawyer. Other than that, based on your options B sounds the best to me personally.
@xxwunderkindxx Your district cannot dictate your fmla to count "together," that is illegal.

Just throwing this out here. The pay may be an issue but you are both entitled to 12 full weeks each. As well, if you want me to dive a little deeper on the exact wording feel free to dm me your districts offical policy on the 3 paid weeks thing. I have a feeling they are breaking laws/school rules trying to say it only counts for one or the other

Edit: just read that apparently its legal (fuck the us) but anyways. I would then honestly try to get diagnosed with ppa/ppd/stress related illness so that it can be a seperate fmla. And i wouldnt even feel bad about it bc having a newborn and being forced back into work that early would absolutely cause stress and anxiety