Maternity Leave- what would you do?

@xxwunderkindxx I'd do B. Works well with the school year, and not a huge difference. C works well too if your mom can come over fairly regularly. For me the issue was the laundry/cooking/extras that drug. I could handle the days, but with my colicky/spit up baby, the laundry and cooking really dropped. So if mom can come over and watch the baby while you take a nap and do laundry, cook, (or however you two like to split that), that would be good.
@mbl92212 This is allowed at the federal level -- if both spouses work for the same employer, the employer can require them to split the 12 weeks of leave for a new baby (fact sheet here). OP's state may have a different law, and they should check with their union if they have one... but it wouldn't surprise me if this was the situation.
@jackbrosnan02 I get them being required to split the “bonding leave” but was unsure about how the first 6-8 weeks op would take for medical recovery would play into that, since your own medical issue isn’t considered as part of the splittable categories would factor in.
@mbl92212 My employer does the same thing, and it appears to be fully legal (not a lawyer). Basically the 12 weeks of FMLA leave are for the birth of the child, and since it’s just one child you have to split it.
@cheshire12134 But they don’t give you 24 weeks if you have twins, right? Or if you adopt a child and give birth a few months later (same calendar year), you don’t get 12 weeks per child.

Like, I understand it’s legal but the “it’s one child” rationale is not applied consistently. 😑
@xxwunderkindxx Ask your doctor to induce at 39 weeks regardless of gestational diabetes. If you explain your situation, they should be able to accommodate. My doctors office gives all patients the option of induction at 39 weeks. At that point, there is no increased risks and it allows the birth to be more controlled.
@xxwunderkindxx I’m a teacher and also had gestational diabetes. I was due 12/29 and my doctor let me induce on 12/23 so the birth would line up with winter break 😂.

Can you reach out to your principal and ask about taking unpaid days that are not part of FMLA? I was “sick” 12/21-12/23, then on FMLA from 1/3-3/28 (12 weeks), then I got “sick” again from 3/29-3/31. The following week was spring break, so I didn’t go back til 4/11. In my district, leave is all at the school level, so no one higher up knew/cared that I was taking extra time. Hopefully you have a supportive principal!
@xxwunderkindxx Sorry no advice just sitting in shock at how terrible that is! I’m in the UK and I had 6 months off full pay and a further 3 months (9 months in total) by choice partially paid. Just crazy to me that this is allowed
@xxwunderkindxx Your amount of leave should not have any impact on your husbands. Your 12 weeks of FMLA are your 12 weeks. I’m assuming you’re in GA and if that’s the case then the 3 weeks of pay provided by the state can be used any time in the first year of baby’s life. You can use short-term disability for the first 6 weeks, then your 3 weeks from the state, then the last 3 weeks as LWOP. Or you go back at 9 weeks and then your husband takes his 3 weeks if for some reason they keep insisting that it’s 12 combined (but that makes 0 sense to me). I’m not sure what district you’re in but I just dealt with all of this last year. We also had a married couple at my school last year and there was no problem with mom taking 12 and then dad taking 3 when she came back.