Massive regression in potty training


New member
Hey, all!

We have a 1.5 years-old boy who we started potty training very early, as soon as he was able to sit comfortably, he was around 6 months-old. We sort of guessed when he would go, right after sleep, after eating and so on. The first couple of months successes were pure luck and anticipation on our side, rather than him actually knowing what's going on. But by the time he was a 1 year-old he did his thing almost every time we put him on the potty, either number 1 or number 2, but rarely left an empty potty. At about 1 year, 3 months-old he started to tap his chest well he wants to go potty - there were actually full days with 0 accidents in the diaper! We were so close! That period was about 2 months.

Fast-forward to the past month. We have changed absolutely nothing about the routine we followed, but he simply doesn't say he wants to go anymore. He only informs us (the same way, with a tap on his chest) when he already did in the diaper. We would put him on the potty, sit with him for upwards of 30minutes, he would play, stand, come back, most of the times pee as well, but no pooping. Right after we put his diaper on and dress him up, he bloody poops himself! I haven't seen a poop in the potty for nearly 2 weeks and he used to go there at least twice a day religiously.

So, is this a phase? Are we doing something wrong? Will it pass or we should change something? I'm sure you'll think he's too young to understand what's going on, but I assure you this is not the case. He perfectly understands it, and as far as I can tell is doing it on purpose.

We're certainly not giving up or slowing down with the potty training, but every bit of advice would be greatly appreciated!

P.S. I forgot to mention that accidents only happen when we're at home. He hasn't pooped in the diaper while we're outside in forever, I think it last happened 6 months ago, because we were outside for too long. So he definitely knows how to contain himself.
@chiyaha I don’t think he's too young to understand, but he's very likely too young to be physically ready to hold it. That's probably the reason you're seeing this regression; he's learned to use the potty but can't hold it during play. This is why it makes little sense to potty train them so early—if they can't hold it, they'll still need to use diapers anyway
Don’t worry and try when he’s older
@milleyvanilli I'll have to completely disagree with what you are saying.

As I mentioned he did a full 2 months of holding it and keeping the diaper completely empty on some days. This clearly indicates he's ready to hold it. Also the fact that we put him on the potty right after sleep in the morning and he holds it for almost an hour before purposefully going in the diaper instead right after we put it on. He used to go as soon as we put him on the potty in the morning, every morning.

Also there is a lot of sense to potty train early. No diapers, no possible urinary infections (which is even worse in girls), no skin irritations from having poop on his ass, etc. The only sense it makes to not potty train early is laziness on the parents part, to be honest, as it is a lot more work than simply changing diapers.
@chiyaha Okay, I said "very likely," not definitely. For example, we were discouraged from potty training our 2-year-old, who seemed very ready, by our daycare worker (whose work would only get easier if the kids learned to go potty by themselves). She said our child's core muscles were not developed enough to hold it during playtime and that she would regress after training. But that doesn’t have to be your case.

Also, children should be allowed to potty train at their own pace, and it shouldn’t be rushed. Pressuring them can do more harm than good.

I think you are being rude and disingenuous. You say parents who could but do not potty train early are lazy. Parenting is hard work, and the last thing we need is someone on their high horse calling other parents lazy because they don’t do as they do
@chiyaha We did something similar with our daughter and ended giving up on potty training.

She ended up wanting to do it by herself a few months later. I read that sometimes if you take a break and don’t pressure, they will do it on their own.
@chiyaha I dont think its too young because my friend is doing the same with her 10 month girl and i find it SO COOL! For real!!

Try removing the diapers while you are at home so its easier to catch him doing it and then move to the potty!
@kreekcritter Oh, it's definitely on the to-do list, we're just waiting for a few hotter days in a row as it's otherwise a tad too cold for him to run around butt naked :D