@maxinvasion We sleep trained. My daughter was similar, she could sleep for 4-5 hours, then she was awake. Nothing we could do would stay asleep. Both of us decided sleep training was the right thing to do. She was safe, fed, and changed. Our sanity meant a lot, and it was a hard pill to swallow. We simply couldn't bounce in front of the dryer on a yoga ball qany more.
She is 8 now, and the most amazing person that I can't believe I had a hand in making. She's in touch with her emotions, even coming to hug me during a play date with friends, and all the confidence I wish I had at her age.
My advice: do what you need to as parents. Without rest, you can't be your best. I think they have short term memory issues for a reason. We feel we suck as parents, and make rash decisions. You're doing the best you can. Your kids love you, and you're an amazing dad. Lots of love in the comments and your kids will be a support network you never thought possible.
Keep it up, both king and queen. Ya'll are doing the right thing.