My baby can’t sleep without my nipple in her mouth and I’m losing my sanity

@markeita My LO got to be the same. Sleeping next to me was so restless. Even falling asleep on me she started to get restless. One night I put her in her crib and went to the bathroom, 5 mintues of light fussing she was out. The next day same thing was happening for her nap. I put her in crib and she fell right asleep. For the most part it has been like this for 2 months. She just decided she was done cosleeping.
@markeita My 8-month-old has gone through phases like this (and is in one now). I just sleep with my shirt unbuttoned so she can nurse every hour without either of us fully waking up. Frequent waking is normal for breastfed babies and is protective against SIDS. Hugs ♥️
@markeita Re: The antibiotics
Yes, that can definitely have an impact! Good hunch, Mama!

I highly, highly recommend probiotics! (I hope it's okay to recommend this; I'm new to this r/.)

I've used Klaire Labs Baby probiotics (was recommended to give .25 scoop for 0-6 months) and Mama Natural Baby probiotics. I love them both, but I love the ease of MN since they're drops; I pour one or two drops at a time onto my pinkie and let BB suck it off. His reaction is always neutral-to-amused. (Pro tip: with these kinds of bottles, essential oil, etc. don't touch the tip to your finger, as bacteria can spread and grow in the bottle.)

KL is a high-quality product, but since it's a powder, it is just such a mess unless we use a bottle, which is rare for us now that we exclusive BF. The attempts to apply on the nipple were good for a laugh. 😄 I'm keeping the bottle to mix into solids when the time comes.

I was fortunate that my BB was a good sleeper, but his poop sessions were kind of stretched out. I started giving him probiotics and saw a huge and very surprisingly immediate difference. Starting that very day, the time from his poop cues to the evacuation was so much shorter!

Our flow was dosing every other day, and within two weeks or so, we moved to every day. I make sure BB isn't full and potentially going to spit the drops back up.

No brand affiliation, blah, blah, blah (I wish I got paid to recommend them!), I just believe in quality gut flora for everyone, Babies included!!!

I'll add that since you were hospitalized for so long, and are feeling some Mama guilt, adding probiotic foods or supplements might be worthwhile for you as well, Mama! It's a simple step with subtle powers for a profound difference in your mental and physical well-being! With consistency, your body will start reaping benefits (that you may or may not notice) within a month. Kefir, water kefir, kombucha sauerkraut, Kim chi, (all unpasteurized) or good ol' probiotic capsules on an empty stomach.