LO is 11% in weight help!


New member
Okay so we just went to her 6 month pediatrician appt, and she’s around 69% in height but only 11% in weight. She’s about 14 or 15 lbs and she gained since last appt. But my thing is, she’ll almost be 7 months old (she was 3 weeks early term) and she drinks from the bottle around 4 oz give or take. She takes about 2-3 naps a day and I either nurse her or give her a bottle. Often she’ll wake up around 7 am, and I’ll feed her around 8. Then again we’ll play and I’ll feed her again @11. She usually takes her first nap around 9-10:30. If her schedule is a bit late, she won’t be tired and will take her 2ns nap a bit later. So here’s my q. How many feeds should an almost 7 month old have? We have started introducing solids, she’s had some banana, avocado, some blended up from scratch chicken soup, and strawberry. She’s not eating that much in solids yet though. So what am I doing wrong because she often she will wake up hungry 2-3 times in the night. Is that normal? Should we be feeding her more often? Please be kind and TIA
@stepheno Since it hasn't really been mentioned here:


A baby that's 3% is just as healthy as a 50% baby as a 98% baby as long as they are following their curve. The goal isn't to have a baby at >50th percentile.

Saying your baby is 11% tells us nothing about how healthy they are. Because that's just one trait in a very long list of traits that a doctor uses to evaluate the overall health of your baby.

Probably much more valuable to yourself and more important to baby are asking questions like:
- is baby growing along their curve?
- after feeding do they seem satisfied?
- are they producing the right number of wet and dirty diapers?
- are they meeting milestones?

Because if you answer yes to the above that's great. We can't all have hulking babies. Some people are petite, babies included, and that's fine! Percentiles and weight are one facet of health and need to be interpretation in the context of the whole baby!
@keyslammer I think what gets people is that in pregnancy it’s so drilled that below a certain percentage is “bad”. My little guy is in the 0.5 percentile but he always has been so nobody is worried. 11 percentile is huge to me 😂
@stepheno I would not be concerned about his percentage as long as your pediatrician is not. My son was born at 6lbs. 11 oz. And dropped to 6lbs. 3 oz. When we left the hospital. It took him 2 weeks to get back to his birth weight. He is now 9 months and weights 17 lb. 14 oz. Which is 19% but up until this month he was only at 5%.
@stepheno What was her birth weight %?

We had issues with our daughter not gaining weight like babies “should”.

Has the pediatrician mentioned any concerns?
@emiliana So she was born at 6 lbs & 11.6 oz. The doctor didn’t seem that concerned she just said we should be seeing the number go up. And I asked about the % and she told it to me.
@stepheno If dr. wasn't concerned I wouldn't force it and continue doing what you're doing. We had listened to a family dr. that rang alarm bells, ended up force feeding too much and baby didnt agree with that; and had a some projectile action going on. Once we got the go ahead at 5 months for basic solids, along with imo "People Food" She seemed to get better weight gain . She'll eat as much as she wants too!
@stepheno I wouldn’t worry too much about the percentile unless she wasn’t gaining weight or was dropping percentiles or the pediatrician is concerned.

If she doesn’t seem hungry and isn’t willing to eat more at a time, I wouldn’t worry much at all really. I would see if you could get her to increase her intake during the day so she doesn’t wake up as often at night. But again, if that doesn’t do anything then it’s still appropriate for her to wake at night.

My oldest didn’t consume much solids until 10 months. She’d eat some purées but most table foods were ignored. Then suddenly one weekend she refused any spoon fed foods and started eating meals in addition to her bottles. She was on fully table food by her first birthday. So your daughter still has plenty of time to figure out food. I wish I’d wasted less time worrying about it.
@stepheno i agree w everyone else that the weight percentile doesn’t sound alarming.. but in case it’s helpful to have another data point: our 6mo drinks 4 7-8 oz bottles, all in the daytime (occasionally if he wakes up in the night we’ll do a small snack feed). he also has 2 small solids “meals” — a few tablespoons of purée and rice cereal.

i’ve read that babies are pretty good at self regulation — they’ll eat until they’re full and not much more. if you’re concerned abt not feeding enough, maybe try adding a bit more to the bottle and seeing if she drinks it?