Lifting weights in third trimester


New member
I’ve officially entered my third trimester! I’m seeing a lot of information online that suggests you should scale back the intense workouts in the third trimester due to placental blood flow.

I’ve been lucky enough to be able to lift and strength train throughout my pregnancy I.e. deadlifting, squatting, shoulder press, kettlebell swings, etc.

Should I change my routine and exercise less rigorously or is it safe to continue as I’ve been doing?
@purple207 I was told to lower weights as my body saw fit not because it would hurt baby, but because as you grow and your abs separate, you are less and less able to fully engage the core and are thus much more likely to injure your back.
@purple207 If you can lift safely then lift. Safely meaning managing intrabdominal pressure appropriately and not feeling out of breath. If you’re significantly out of breath then placental flow is impaired. If you can lift and maintain a good conversation then there is no evidence of placental flow issues. If anything, exercise through pregnancy has shown benefits for placental perfusion.
@andyu I struggle with this because I’m out of breath getting out of bed. The belly is just so big that I can’t breathe ever. But lifting weights is the one thing that makes me feel good and strong!
@purple207 I continued lifting as normal through the third trimester (now I’m in week 37).

Made sure to brace and stabilize my core, same with my pelvic floor. For me, that means that most reps are way slower and that I have to focus more on breathing properly.

I also think I have enjoyed lifting more in the third trimester. For some reason this is when I’ve been able to lift as much as I did before pregnancy, while I had to reduce the weight in the first and second trimesters due to being exhausted.
@purple207 As long as your form is good and your breathing is good you’ll be fine. I lifted up to 90% of my 1RM for squats and deadlifts up to 38 weeks with my first. Took bigger rests between sets and drank lots of water. I stopped Olympic lifting before my third because my bar path was impacted by my bump, so my form was not good and I was at risk of injury.

I was scaling back cardio intensity and workouts with lots of reps much sooner.
@purple207 To be honest I found I had to lighten up weights a lot in third trimester. For example, back squats at weights I was comfortable with in the second trimester started to cause some lower back pain. I've actually found front squats better for back pain prevention. Relaxin hasn't affected me too much for squats so I'm still finding below parallel comfortable, it's just the weight

Bump has made deadlifts a lot harder to lift from ground so I have to do sumo stance (others will do deadlifts from plates, depends what works for you). Again I can't lift nearly as heavy

Olympic lifting is just gone because I'd have to change my bar path to accommodate bump and I'd prefer not to pick up bad habbits

Even dumbells I've just found I'm struggling with and have to go a little lighter

Funnily enough my bench isn't too affected (I have to have my feet on the bench but that's about it 😂) but it's a pain getting off the bench now (I don't get dizzy lying down for short periods but some do so again really depends)

I know the listen to your body phrase is overused and a bit meaningless, but I've found it does apply for me for weights in the third trimester
@purple207 My OB’s main rule is to listen to my body. For my first pregnancy, that meant lowering weights in the third trimester because I was just more tired than normal. Now that I’m in my second pregnancy, we’ll see! Still lifting heavy at 20 weeks. (Her other rule was no laying flat on my back after 20 weeks, so my days of bench press are done for now.)
@purple207 In your third trimester your body really ramps up the relaxin which makes it easier to injure your joints. You may find that you start to have joint pain the third trimester as well, regardless of your intensity.