King-Size Floor Bed Frame?


New member
Hi APs!

We have our king mattress on the floor for co-sleeping, which has been very practical but NOT very stylish. I have been looking for a "frame" of some sort that will not necessarily elevate the bed, but provide a more intentional, finished look to the space.

I'm considering something like this but perhaps just leaving off the legs? What do you all do with your floor beds - is this something I should just get over and live my best mom-frathouse life? :D
@mamadacca Not sure how old your baby may be, but it looks as if that frame would add height to your mattress. Have you thought about getting wood from Home Depot and building a frame around the mattress?
@eleventhhourworker6 I have thought about it but we don't have any of the tools that would be required for that, really - the local Lowe's (not a Home Depot nearby and I live in a fairly rural area) hasn't had a cutting machine working for months now.
@mamadacca If you have NextDoor available to you, I'd honestly just put out a request for a bid to build a very simple wooden frame with stain. It would probably be a very easy job for someone who has the tools and experience.
@reinar I second this. I love the frames from Sprout— my 2 year old has a twin one, and I may ask a local woodworker to make a king one for me and my infant
@mamadacca We purchased a wooden one off etsy.
It doesn’t add height but keeps us off the floor. It’s nice though.
It wasn’t cheap. (Idk your budget, for us it was costly, maybe it wouldn’t be for you).
@shiney77 It was zipadeekids
I’m only seeing smaller beds now but looks like they do custom orders too so I bet they could still make larger frames too
It comes in pieces and u assemble it. It’s really not too difficult to put together.
There may be other shops if u search for Montessori floor bed though. I bought mine last year and it’s held up well.
@mamadacca It was zipadeekids
I’m only seeing smaller beds now but looks like they do custom orders too so I bet they could still make larger frames too
It comes in pieces and u assemble it. It’s really not too difficult to put together.
There may be other shops if u search for Montessori floor bed though. I bought mine last year and it’s held up well.
@mamadacca I mean you do have to consider the possibility of mold if you put your mattress directly on the floor.

I believe they make wood things to keep some ventilation that doesn’t add height. But there isn’t anything on the outside of it.

I think it depends on how many you are planning to have to decide.

We have one and only so mattress on the floor no big deal because it’s still a limited time.

I do put it against the wall and open the windows periodically to check/prevent mold.
@mamadacca The biggest thing that helped me see our room as more intentional and put together is this cute, short, rounded-edge little table on the ground that we use as a side table. Ours might actually be a lap bench since it's only about 5 inches tall.

Some of our favorite art on the wall really helps, too.

Other than that, yeah, the mattress is just right on the ground - though you can't really tell that when the comforter is draped over it. : )