@wh2 I'd say my house is always tidy, but not always clean haha. Here's my situation:
A 2yo, husband is a resident so works long days, no childcare or house help, minimal screen time. Often contact naps.
We go on some kind of outing every morning (park, library, errands). That really limits how messy the mornings get. 2yo and I usually tidy up together when my husband is on his way home (mess stresses him haha). We also tidy up after she's gone to bed and pick up big items to run our robot vacuum. That keeps the pet hair from taking over downstairs. If there's time, we encourage her to pick up before bed and before nap.
By tidying up takes maybe 5 mins? I have some toy shelves in the kitchen and living room. There's also a play mat in the living room by the shelves. I just scoop everything up and stick it on the shelves/mat. It's not some pretty Instagram shelf system haha
Shoes, jackets, and purses get stuffed back into the hutch by the door. Wine bottles get put back in the rack (she lines them almost daily?). But it goes really quickly.
My husband does bathtime after dinner while I clean up the dishes and wipe down the kitchen counters. Then I do the final tidy, give the dog her meds, little things like that. Then I put her to bed while husband reviews cases for the next day. Then we go to bed haha.
For real cleaning like bathrooms and floors, I wait till the weekend and have my husband take her to the park for a couple of hours. But tbh, some things get dirtier than they should haha.