Keeping house tidy

@wh2 My house is pretty tidy, not perfect but it's good enough. I also live in a very small apartment and I don't have a lot of stuff, which really helps. It's easier to keep tidy when you don't have a lot of stuff.
@katrina2017 This is probably true. But it just seems like every time I clean up one mess there are 10
More. Every time my 1 year old eats a meal or a snack it’s like a tornado happened
@wh2 My kids are both tornado eaters. 1 and 2. I can't remember the last time my floors were clean. The only version of cleaning them I can manage on a daily basis is letting my dog lick everything up. My house is so dirty it makes me cry but I don't have any energy left by the end of the day to do anything more than dishes.
For those of you that do have a tidy house, can you share your tips? And kids ages? And if you have paid help (babysitters or help with childcare, if you stuck them in front of the TV? house cleaners, partner helps or works from home, etc)
@wh2 So, for starters, the pandemic helped me out here because nobody would just "stop by." So no longer did I feel the houses needed to be in a guest ready state.

My kids are 7.5 and 4.

The family all agrees that there are certain things that need to be done for the Household. But extra chores can be assigned for allowance money.

We just had a conversation at the dinner table about how if everyone does a little bit, then everyone has more time to spend together. That really helped them understand they why.

So our oldest helps with some chores, which helps, and everyone has to clean up after themselves.

They don't always (or often do it) but we keep trying to hold onto that value so that when they're perfectly capable to do so, the expectation they will is already engrained.

But practical tips is that everything has a home.
Ikea bins etc. Throw stuff in there and slide it to the side. I like things to be better organized than that but it's just not worth it with kids.

I also let them suffer with the loss of misplacing something cherished. The amount of times I respond with "well, this is why I tell you to put stuff back when you're done..." is mind boggling.

tl;dr: invest in some organizing things like bins and lower your expectations for what is acceptable and keep encouraging the practice of everyone picking up after themselves (while also lowering the expectations they will until they're much older).