Keeping house tidy

@wh2 I'm a very neat and tidy person. Always have been, probably always will be.

But I have messy days too. We all do. Because we're humans and not robots! I know because I pass a Robot Test every day on the Internet. Sometimes more than once a day!
@wh2 Got a Roomba and I run it every night. Forces me to do a quick pick up of everything off the floor and keeps my floor cleaner than the once/month I had time to get in some vacuuming previously
@wh2 I WFH with a 6 year old (in school), 2 year old and 4 month old. My husband and I do the daily stuff at bedtime and the bigger stuff on the weekend!
@wh2 It goes up and down, some weeks it’s pretty picked up. Some weeks it’s like a bomb went off. I don’t make myself over tired to clean if it’s not life threatening or like dangerous or dirty like gross dirty. Clutter etc I will leave for when I have more energy. Only time I go wild is before an event at my house which is like 5 times a year haha
@wh2 I don’t have the storage. The only closet we have in the whole house is in our bedroom. So I’m constantly having to purge or we’d have piles everywhere. Yes we do have an extra room that is our drop zone for a lot of stuff until I figure out where to put stuff. But I’ve become more and more minimalist because I kind of have to.

But we still have random piles places. The only things I like having clean every day before I go to bed is our sink and floors.
@wh2 I prioritize dishes above all other cleaning since those bother me the most when they’re not done, ideally I’m doing that in the morning after running the dishwasher at night while my 2 year old is relaxing with some screen time. I don’t really organize her toys and just have a bunch of different bins that things can be quickly thrown into…we both might prefer more of a system in the future but right now I’m all about the convenience of being able to pick them up quickly. I also like to quickly clear off the kitchen table before having dinner even if it’s just moving the stuff to another surface rather than putting it away. I see a lot of people say they do a load of laundry a day, I’m more sort one day, run another day, fold the next day kind of person but try to chip away a little a day. I’ll use the cordless vacuum as needed but other than that all other cleaning happens on the weekends and thankfully my husband usually tackles that since he’s not doing much of the day to day stuff. I’ve tried to follow cleaning schedules but just get discouraged and anxious. Figuring out what’s most important to me and focusing on those things feels so much better than trying to be perfectly clean and organized!
@wh2 Being a sahp has made me very routine oriented. So I also keep a cleaning schedule. I do everything once a week even if it doesn’t look dirty. Like mop on Mondays and clean bathroom on Fridays. That way I don’t have to work too hard and having a routine schedule frees up space in my brain for other stuff. I don’t have to think about it I just do it.
@wh2 I was really having trouble getting them to clean up after every activity. So I started stapling a floor pickup to important points in the day like after breakfast after lunch I have to see hardwood floors so I can vacuum if it's not a floor it needs to go make it simple laundry garbage dishes toys he has a spot each kid knows how to get them there even the 1-year-old helps. Now if I want the toy sorted properly that's more involved we put away extra time when that needs to be done and all the kids help with that too. I always make sure to do all my dishes before going to bed it was really hard to get in this habit but once I did there were just less dishes overall and something about clean counters in the kitchen in the morning start my day off right
@wh2 I have two kids (3 yo and 13 months) I started a daily chore list that stays on a dry erase calendar on my fridge. Everyday I do one thing when the kids go to bed. So, Monday is dusting and the kids bathroom, Sunday is swiffering and mopping the kitchen floor, Tuesday is cleaning the primary bathroom etc….

However, when I was pregnant with baby number two we hired a house cleaner who came once a month. I was sick from week 7-18 and had an awful pelvic condition from week 22 on. So the house was just a total mess and we worked it into our budget to have the house professionally cleaned beginning at week 23. It’s worth it!!! $160/month is less than what people spend on a luxury purse….DO IT!!!!