Just found out!


New member
I (26F) am 392lbs and found out I was pregnant yesterday morning! Based on my last period I should be 4 weeks and 3 days along, and I have an appointment Tuesday to confirm my pregnancy, but I’m scared to be shamed for my weight while at the doctor’s office.

We’d been trying for a baby since June 2022 and I was about ready to give up hope. I’m so freaking happy, but also terrified out of my mind because I know my weight can cause issues with pregnancy/birth.

Any plus sized mamas have any advice for me?
@jok Congrats! If you get a bad feeling from your provider switch early. I had a great OBGYN and they are out there! Don’t feel stuck with someone who makes you feel uncomfortable because they could be the one bringing your baby in the world.

Also, I am close to your weight and they had be do the glucose test earlier than “normal”. And then again at the “normal” gestation age. I passed the 1 hour twice…but again that isn’t even always the experience for even thin folks! Don’t be discouraged if you have to take the 3 hour test.

I wish you a happy and healthy day pregnancy! (Bc even being plus size it’s possible)
@jok Congratulations! I started out at 430lbs I'm 14 weeks and things are going well. My obgyn practice is the only high risk provider in the area so they have been great. No weight shaming at all, at my 12 week ultrasound the tech just had me lift my apron belly and we got a great scan!
@jok Some medical practices will say your weight makes you high risk, while others will not. Be mindful that it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Being deemed high risk means you have the most skilled staff taking care of you and your pregnancy. And if weight is your only risk factor, they will often treat you as though you’re one of their more low risk patients. You will still get more scans, more appointments and more testing, but if your pregnancy progresses very healthy, you will feel no different than any pregnant woman.
@jok Congratulations! I am almost 8 weeks and had the same fear. I let my nurse know I suffer from anxiety right away and was lucky enough to see a really nice doctor. Be prepared to be told you might have to see a Hugh risk doctor also, but fear not plus size ladies have happy and healthy babies all the time. I've been trying to stay away from the sad or scary posts and remember you deserve care by a professional who cares about you. If the doctor you see isn't the one, see another. There are doctors out there that will be kind. Good luck!
@jok Congrats 😍🥰 .. girl let me tell u .. I'm 30 weeks right now .. when I got pregnant I weighed 320 .. I'm literally at ur weight right now and I bring my own weight up to my doctor and she says it's fine and not worried about it even tho I do .. I'm not even eating more then I used to so I have no clue why I have gained so much ... Ur doc should never weight shame you .. and if they do .. find someone else ❤️ you can also opt out of looking when u do do get weighed
@huskeyboy I'm glad I'm not the only one 😭 lol I had gastric bypass literally one year before .. I lost 110 lbs lol .. then on my 1 year anniversary I got my positive 🥰 but I'm like dang I gained it all back lol .. doctors day I should be able to lose it again just fine once baby is here .. and I sure hope so because I feel horrible about myself
@jok You will likely be referred to maternal fetal medicine for additional monitoring and ultrasound. You will probably have the gestational diabetes screening at least two, if not three times during your pregnancy. Your OB will probably have you start a daily low-dose aspirin to prevent preeclampsia. My doctor had a poster in her office that said how much weight you should gain based on your current weight; but she never brought it up to me when I gained twice that much.

I honestly didn’t mind the additional monitoring. It is my anxiety about things developing appropriately and I got to see my baby more! Just remember, you may hear things like “being overweight, doubles your chance of XYZ. “ Keep in mind that these are statistics like 2% of pregnant women. So being overweight will increase your chance to 4%. When someone says a risk “doubles it is jarring until you realize the actual occurrence rate is quite low by itself.

Some people tell their doctor they don’t want to be weighed… I don’t feel like that is a smart thing to do. Things like preeclampsia can be detected with significant weight gain (water). You could also be losing weight and not realizing it. Try not to focus on the number, enjoy your pregnancy and congratulations ❤️
@contemplatio I am glad you mentioned the being weighed thing because I am a big decliner of the weight for every visit in my normal life. I hadn’t considered I might need to weigh some new pros/cons of getting on the scale at appointments I don’t normally have to consider when we do get pregnant.
@jok Congrats! You will be referred to maternal fetal medicine for some monitoring/ ultrasounds but that just means they are being careful and you are getting a more in depth ultrasound which can be a good thing! Some doctors are a little meaner about weight, so if you can tell early on that the doctor will be that way then just switch doctors, most don’t weight shame.
@jok I’ve had hit and miss providers, but I started out the same age/weight as you and am now 24+6 with a healthy baby boy! I called all the offices before scheduling any appointments and asked if they accepted plus-sized pregnancy patients. Most of my less-than-great experiences were with offices that had lackluster responses or said it went case by case.

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